We had the good fortune of connecting with Dr. J. Bliss and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Dr. J., how has your background shaped the person you are today?
I was born and raised in Dallas, Texas. My road to Georgia came about unexpectedly. These two states have been a unique creative muse for me. After notifying the publisher of Minority Opportunity News, (today known as North Dallas Gazette) that I was pregnant he fired me stating I was handicapped. The actions of me being fired shifted me to move. I was a single parent with a child, fighting to stay focused to attain my bachelor’s degree. I have resided in Georgia since February 2001, a few months after giving birth to my daughter my uncle welcomed me to his home in Lithonia. I was a single young parent, trying to find a way to take care of my child and myself. It was not easy, but I am grateful for the support of my family. I am also proud that I did not let my past dictate me to give up on my dreams as an author. Instead, each shift has creatively driven me. Being a mother allowed me to see the beauty in sharing my gift of writing with my children. By way of my daughter sharing a story she wrote with me, it sparked my interest to create a writing camp for her and children in the community to explore the world of writing. It was a beautiful experience to see my daughter enjoying writing stories and music with her brothers and other children. I still have the stories they wrote, and I cherish the memories of those moments. Today, I use my experiences to craft my characters and situations based on the setting of Dallas, Texas, and Atlanta, Georgia. Considering, that I know these states well I thought it would be a creative way to shout out the places instrumental in my development as a person. Sharing these states as a setting in my stories allows readers to take mental trips to not only Texas and Georgia but also other states or countries where I have been. One of the joys of escaping with a book is drifting within your imagination to another world. I am happy I get to share the places that have been significant with my foundation. I take pride in representing some of the challenges and advances with my characters to represent the life of an African American from topics such as inspiration, love, shame, abuse, intimacy, betrayal, being an entrepreneur, attending HBCUs, family support, and the lack of support.

Alright, so let’s move onto what sets you a part professionally?
What sets me apart from others I have come to know is: that as a child, I told my mother I think I’m supposed to show people how to love because no one knows how to love me. I would go on to hear my mother tell me expressing my emotions is my superpower. Moving forward I am an author who writes words you see as a canvas on the wall. Who constructs words the readers feel as if in the world in the present time. Who displays an experience escorting the reader to another time as if mental surgery is at hand. I’m honored to have such a gift, painting portraits of scenes in a book. I’m excited to know as I child I knew exactly who I was and as life ushered me to encounter many experiences my way back to my true self was only a push of a door away. Getting to the stage I am in life was not easy, yet I regret it not. Having those uncomfortable moments has given more season to my awareness. I understand life presents moments that challenge you to consider loving to be accepted by others or accepting to love who you are as you are. Each circumstance draws you closer to revealing your authentic self but only you have the power to choose to embrace your purpose in life. I have met myself and I promise to love me courageously and nurture me fiercely. I’m not letting anything put me in the line of fire of removing me from being an author. I have learned the key to being creative is the bravery I have to believe in myself. Ultimately, my aspiration with the gift of writing is to share my stories so people may experience a glimpse of a version of love removed from conditions, a relationship built upon being included with people who support one another to attain your calling in life. As a self-published author, I get what it feels like to not have support yet surrounded by individuals who watch you instead of supporting you to help you reach your fullest potential. In my stories, I hope people capture this even if only from the pages of a book, I believe it’s like sprinkling seeds of the world being a better place. Everything we create starts from a thought and I pray my stories escorts the readers to think and raise their standards in relationships and their views upon themselves. Yes, I write romance but there’s so much more to it than a boy and girl living happily ever after, you see life with the possibility of positive outcomes; of course, you would have to check it out to see for yourself.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
If a friend of mine were visiting, I would head to Stone Mountain Village and introduce my guest to the ‘gilly gang’ at Gilly Brew Bar. There, we would grab a beverage and enjoy the company of the people passing by. Each season, the drinks change, so I adore the aspect of progression and experiencing something new yet flavorful. Considering we are in the area, we would journey to Sweet Potato Cafe, a few blocks away, to enjoy the sweet potato hummus. Perhaps skip to Front Porch Taqueria to try the oyster mushroom taco with tortillas from scratch. I imagine I would encourage my friend to stroll to the actual park. For the past three years, various areas of Stone Mountain have been a home away from home for me. Being surrounded by nature helps restore our bodies and energy, reminding us that when aspects of our lives stop, the world continues to move, and so should we. I recommend spending time in nature, whether hiking up the mountain, walking, running five miles around the park, or spotting a deer here and there, maybe sitting by the lake, taking in the fresh air accompanied by the ongoing orchestra of birds harmonizing in the air. After leaving the park we could stop by Urban Trend Cafe and sit outside while enjoying a few vegan burgers. Although, I would suggest trying the parmesan fries. It is not vegan, but it is good. We would head out on 78 to Enid’s Boutique. Being creative through my wardrobe is a favorite of mine; vibrant colors and statement pieces take time to find, but I collect many jewels at Enid’s. I adore the owner’s hospitality and the unique items illuminated within this store. This is my local fashion destination if I want a new outfit or accessories or need a seamstress. Concluding the evening, I must stop by Green Love Kitchen in Lithonia. The vegan dishes are full of flavor, and the community is full of harmony. If it’s Bars behind the Bars night at Gilly Brew Bar, I will insist we return to hear some of the most extraordinary poets recite poetry. However, if not while we are in the area of downtown Lithonia, I am confident we would find someplace to journey further into the creative art side so I would wing it and go with the flow.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I want to shoutout, my angel, Trescina Bell, she is like a sister to me sent from heaven. When my mother transitioned, I was also publishing my second novel in the Chance Series, Taking Chances. It was difficult because I was used to hearing my mother cheer me on. This was now a time I had to learn to move forward without my mother physically in my life. Trescina stepped in by way of social media. I learned she resided in my home state, Dallas, Texas. Her love for my books and excitement about them continuing echoed my mother’s spirit. Trescina is the Lady Bell in my life. She has stood by me no matter what I have gone through and has not let distance get in the way. The interesting aspect is I did not know her long. In other words, the genuine aspect of kindhearted spirit was not dependent upon the longevity of our relationship. Lady Bell just stepped in helping from whatever aspect she could. During my divorce, I was hospitalized, and upon coming home at least twice a month she would send me gifts. She reminded me I am enough; I am a great mother; I am an amazing author. She did what my mother would have done, reminding me to never stop writing; during a time, when I could not place the words to flow for my emotions had me in a state of emotional shock (similar to how culture shock just creeps upon you). Many people left but not Trescina her support increased with each circumstance I encountered. By the time, I was stable to return to the world of writing, there she was. It was like approaching the finish line of a race and hearing her cheer me on to never stop writing, never stop dreaming, never stop believing in myself. Her impact on my life has been overwhelmingly positive. Moreover, I am grateful for my editor Lydia Moore. When I was trying to find an editor, it was a hassle. My mother was alive at the time. I remember venting to my mom about how difficult it was to find the right editor. I told her I was getting more letters from people telling me they did not edit my genre and I could not understand. My mother would encourage me to keep pursuing the right editor and not to give up because another person refuses to edit my work. It was the best advice. Having the right editor is an important aspect of a writer. If you can find a person who resonates with your writing style you are blessed. I know I am blessed to have my editor because she is personally involved with my stories. Her advice, her care beyond the pages for me, is priceless. When I was grieving my mother, when I went through the transition of divorce the way she stepped in to support me was nothing short of a miracle. This woman encouraged me with her words, she was mindful of my situation and remained a constant friend cheering me on to never stop writing. The way she stepped back from being an editor to stepping forward to be a friend has given me the confidence to not only write but also fight to continue to write, whatever I feel like. Through these two jewels, I began to recognize my gift of writing has an impact on people in a positive manner, in addition to my being. Nonetheless, my father, Duane Thomas, and bonus mom, Shatima Thomas shared with me the courage to not wait another minute to write and publish my memoir. This piece of writing positioned me and encouraged me to meet my authentic self. Having my parent’s support in writing this book was a therapeutic tool driving me. Accomplishing the self-publication of The Evolution of Me: A Poetic Memoir was like rising with a lift of my ancestor’s strength. I am grateful for the spiritual and supportive guidance from my parents to get through such a phase in my life. Finally, Cameron Wilson (my illustrator), LaDarryl Hollingsworth (my graphic artist), and Bryan Shaw (my brother from another mother and extreme fan of my writing). All of these gentlemen have been a constant in my writing endeavors from cheering me on to volunteering to assist with planning the continuation of writing; in whatever, aspect they could lend support. All of these persons guided me and encouraged me in the realm of not giving up on my dream as an author. As my mind ponders it more, they have all been some portion of a reminder of the support I received from my mother when she was alive. Today her profound words still resonate, living on spiritually, for I have people in my life who genuinely care about me and my happiness as an individual. I can only conclude that God cares so much for me to extend me a contingency plan to stay within my purpose, supplying me with all my needs when I knew not my needs to get to the next step. I am in gratitude to the Most High, for keeping me in connection with those who have been inspiring, and uplifting me to be the author I am, the writing coach I am along my journey.

Website: www.neverstopwriting.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jblissbooks/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/jblissauthor

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jblissbooks/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@DrJBliss

Other: https://linktr.ee/drjbliss

Image Credits
J Brab

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