We had the good fortune of connecting with Donica Allen and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Donica, how has your perspective on work-life balance evolved over time?
As a mom, minister, career coach that serves varied groups of people and organizations, my work life balance is something that is always at an in-progress status. It grows and expands as I learn and grow, as my work, children and ministry grows. That is the primary belief I now have about balance; every major growth requires taking inventory of my systems, support and implementing plans and strategies based on my dreams, goals and purpose.

When I had started my career I only had a hustler mindset, I mean I was 20 years old, one child, working and going to college with a vibrant social life. I began climbing the corporate ladder but the more freedom and flexibility I desired did not come with the bigger paycheck, neither could I get back the hours of my son’s life that I was missing and that was the first time my desire grew for balance. I made baby steps to finding balance. When I moved to a new country now being a wife with 3 children, 2 babies under 2 and a new business, exhaustion whispered, slow down, but I tried to keep going at the same high speed. I mean I left the hospital with my second child and went back to work the same day! I believed that meant I was being strong and resilient. It was when I began Bible Studies with my Pastor’s wife, Larissa and learnt how much it honored God to be a keeper of the home, love your husband and take care of your children, that I gave myself the permission to not have to do it all or have it all, all at once. I recognized that just because it was good to do, doesn’t mean it was a sustainable way or pace to live. I changed my work schedule to accommodate the season of having young children, which we know comes with unavoidable sleepless nights, illness, sprinkled with temper tantrums. I began to think of balance less as a juggler managing to keep 10 balls in the air and none falling and more about learning how many and which balls I prioritize and in what season, day, sometimes even moments. Many people talk about harmony versus balance, but there is still something that I think I’ve learnt about balance that I appreciate which is the word steady, because things aren’t always as orderly as I would like in a house with 3 kids but today if I choose to work a little later, I find time tomorrow to catch up on quality time with my family. Implementing systems of self-care, support from mentors, coaches, friendships and having a virtual assistant in my business are ways I have also found balance. I had to change my concept of balance to being present and in the moment over hitting the milestones of the 100K business in 6 months or taking family pics every 3 month ideal. Can you achieve it yes, but I had to recognize, I needed to do it in a way that did not leave me constantly burnt out, overwhelmed and then not being able to be my best for the people I loved. I was learning that balance sometimes means putting some things on hold, for the greater values and priorities that were long-term, eternal even.

I hosted a summit recently to share with other women more strategies of work life balance from 21 powerful moms who are doing all the things, and so I too could become better at this concept of balance. One of the things that was profound from these women from such different walks of life that spoke about completely different topics, they attributed their ability to find balance when they leaned on the power of God and being in alignment with Him versus what their to-do list said to prioritize or even the latest trend online. That’s something that has changed for me too over time, is the lens I use to determine what my work-life balance should even look like. Is it more of what I see everyone doing or is it rooted in biblical, timeless principles that honor who I am and the purpose that God has given me in my role as mother, entrepreneur, minister etc. to steward.


Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
Done-For-You Virtual Services was birth during the pandemic when I identified a need for persons that wanted to work from home but the process was not always simple or clear cut. By that time, I had worked 2 different online jobs. I gathered a few friends that I knew in corporate as trainers that had also worked from home and we began training persons on webinars how to get a job online. Shortly after we matched business owners with these persons guiding both business owners and assistants to ensure they were working together effectively. I had no clue that 4 years later we would have and continue to serve authors, coaches. churches, ministries, healthcare professionals through marketing services, strategic planning, business consultation and launch strategies.

Building a service based company has not been easy because it requires going beyond providing the service to learning the keys of a successful business. That looks like filing taxes, marketing to your ideal audience, pricing your services without then spending more hours and time on the project that you are not compensated well. It’s also been difficult because many times there’s so much out there on how to operate a successful business; hire, don’t hire until $100K, offer only one service until you make great profit but then digital products save you time and energy so diversify your income. What I’ve had to do is invest in a business coach and recommit over and over to following through on what works best for my business based on the development stage it is in and the lifestyle I desire my business to provide for me and my family. When we had to layoff in my business, I felt like I had failed completely. Even though we register our businesses as separate entities from ourselves, we sometimes take on the identity of the business so I had to learn that business is a vehicle and means of providing a service, it’s not who I am and any failures in my business does not mean I am a failure. It simply is an indicator of areas that business may need support that I was not adequately prepared or trained on. I learnt a lot about myself, my habits that I took from corporate that do serve me and some that I had to throw out completely.

We are most proud of the fact that what we’ve done in Done-For-You has been able to support churches and ministries to grow their reach and impact, college students to work and go to school, mothers being able to better take care of themselves and families because they had increased income, business owners that could finally take time off because they had systems and processes in place to support their time off.

What sets us apart is that we believe in executional excellence and we will not shortcut the process for results now, but believing in ensuring you have long-term sustainable results by focusing on your business foundations to grow and scale successfully. When you come to us for virtual services our goal is to make it be easy and simple for you that also fits the best results for the model of your business and sustainable revenue, we don’t sugar-coat or focus on social media trends but keys of business success.


Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
Atlanta is such an amazing city. I love how the atmosphere is rich with possibilities and even churches have the entrepreneurial spirit. The business events are also some of the best I have ever experienced.

I would take take her to Best Western Atlanta-Marietta Ballpark hotel to decompress and relax. The next day we would head to Peachtree Center and get her a delicious Poke bowl from Bull Gogi to eat. We would shop at the stores around the Hub. We would not leave before visiting the Atlanta Zoo. She would have an amazing time!

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
I’ll start by shouting out God, He continues to be my driving force, my main motivation because I want to hear well done and I desire to be His evidence of excellence and power.

Next, I’m so grateful for my parents, friends, business partners, coaches and mentors who truly believe in me, push me to rise up to the call on my life.

I’ve been impacted by many ministers and pastors and I am truly growing and making an impact because of their dedication and persistence with guiding and loving me.

Website: https://doneforyouvirtualservices.mydurable.com/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/donica-blackwood-allen-4b39529a

Other: decluttertosuccess.com

Image Credits
Courtney Severyn

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.