Meet Donald Gibson | The Marriage Preparation Coach

We had the good fortune of connecting with Donald Gibson and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Donald, what do you want people to remember about you?
I want to be remembered as the guy that changed the world by showing people what God intended marriages to be and do. I want to be remembered as doing my part as part of the body of Christ in bringing God’s Kingdom to earth.
I also want to be remembered as the guy who showed the world that God meant more than money when he said a man must provide for his family. He meant provide a vision moving forward. Look up the pre fix pro and the suffix vide.
Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
I’m excited about a few things. I’m excited that one, my work will keep families together which means less kids growing up without their fathers in the home. Which is what I experienced and which gives me my drive.
Two, I’m excited that I get to play a role in helping God bring his kingdom to earth. I get to help establish marriages the way he intended them to be. Marriage is God’s way of giving us a helper to complete God’s work. I think we get so caught up in us and we never get to the purpose of the marriage. That is partly why marriage is so easy to leave for most. Because they never discovered the purpose of marriage. Their marriage in particular.
Three, I’m excited that pastors are using my book “The Missing Pieces To Winning At Marriage” as part of their premarital counseling program before they wed someone. It can be found on Amazon or you can get a signed copy directly from me.
The Bible also tells us we must provide for our families. What most people don’t know is the Bible wasn’t speaking on financially although finances can be included in what it was speaking of. Provide (Pro) prefix means forward, (vide) suffix means see. Provision (Pro) prefix means forward (vision) suffix. As a man and husband you have to provide vision for your family and make sure they are taken care of going forward.
Fourth, I’m excited about what The Family Plan template is doing for everyone. The family plan template is something that is inside a living breathing document I call the family vision. God said where there is no vision the people perish. You need a vision for your family and marriage or it will perish. We encourage everyone to print it out and keep a copy in the computer. The printed copy is for everyone in your family to have access to so you all can look through it and have a reminder of your commitments to each other. The copy on the computer is because you will always be updating it over the years.
Thriving companies succeed because they have mission and vision statements. They know where they are, where they want to go and have a plan to get there. They have values. They have roles outlined for each member of the team.
Why shouldn’t your family be the same? You want a thriving successful family right?
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. From personal experience you will experience failure every year without the proper plan to guide you.
Your kids grow up without a compass to guide them. They will have no values. Let’s face it, you and your spouse may not have real solid values that you can point to and say I know my marriage won’t fail because we have established we have values of family, commitment, teamwork. Or I know my spouse won’t cheat because of their values.
No one talked with you about having values or a mission statement or vision statement for your life.
Let’s change that together. We’ve already done the hard work. All you have to do is replace our information with your information. Our information is still there to give you a guide.
Get started on your family plan template right here
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I have to credit three books for my transformation
Others: These are links to download my app. It’s in the app stores.
This link below here is how to order my book on Amazon
This is the link to the family plan that I wrote about in one of the questions presented to me.