We had the good fortune of connecting with Briana Watson and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Briana, how do you think about risk?
I think about risks in my life and career like I’m standing on a cliff overlooking an ocean. I can stay on the land and feel safe. Knowing I may never fly but at least I won’t fall in the abyss of the ocean. Or I could take the risk and jump. Jumping comes with fear, with uncertainty and danger. For me, the comfort of land is far scarier than the risk of falling. Even eagles fall before the fly. I believe if I leap God will reach his hands down from the sky to catch me and I will soar to heights I’ve never seen. To dreams I’ve never dreamed.

When I moved to Atlanta I took the biggest risk of my life. My husband and I packed up our cars with no jobs waiting for us. We believed, we had faith that this is what God had for us. During our drive from Texas to Georgia I got a call in the middle of the drive from my agent. She told me a casting director really wanted me for a role but needed the tape back immediately. I pulled over to a Lowe’s parking lot and taped the audition in a barn. When I got to Atlanta she called me back to tell that I got the role.
Taking risks in your career and in life aren’t always easy, not everyone will understand it. They aren’t suppose to, the vision isn’t for them, it’s for you.

Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
Ever since I was a little girl I have felt the calling of story telling. I’ve always searched for avenues to tell stories, whether through words or movement. I grew up in dance and theatre. I’ve always felt drawn to artistry, to expression. I went to college for Dance and after getting my degree joined a company. Although I loved dance I missed the power of words and narratives and I was enduring constant injuries. I started doing community theatre and musicals to feel that excitement for the stage again. That sparked my curiosity in film and TV.

My husband and I packed up our life and moved to Atlanta in 2019.
There have been many challenges in my career since. Within a year of moving to Atlanta there was a global pandemic, then my pregnancy, difficult postpartum, and last year we had two industry strikes. All of this within the last four years. To say it has been difficult is an understatement. It has felt impossible at times, and maybe it would’ve have been without God. Even with the obstacles I still booked commercials, TV shows, and films. That’s undeniable favor. My faith is what sustains me. My belief that I have a divine purpose to use my gifts to share the stories of those who were silenced, cast out, never seen or weren’t allowed to be heard. I want to use my gift to amplify their stories and empower others to step into their power and speak theirs.
I’ve learned that there is not a road map or blue print to success in this industry. If you try to follow someone else’s path you won’t find the blessings that are meant for you. You have to chart your own course. You have to have an unshakable belief that you’re not crazy, you’re not delusional, you’re just the first. The one who will do what’s never been done in your family, or community. The one who will break generational curses. Who will do what others thought was impossible to do. You have to believe that this is meant for you and will not pass you, even when you don’t see how it can happen. I’ve always prayed that I would have a Cicely Tyson career. I want to be in my nineties and still acting. That takes a strong foundation of belief in your calling. It must be unshakable.

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
Well this is a very touristy thing to do but honestly, the aquarium. If I wasn’t an artist I’d be a marine biologist. If my bestie came to visit I would do my best to convince her to snorkel with the whale sharks with me. A 30 minute swim with some of the most majestic creatures sounds incredible. I love cooking for friends and family so we would head down to one of my favorite farms in Georgia for some fruit picking. We would finish up the week with a few rounds of mini golf, Go kart racing, and of course a search for the best margarita and tacos in Georgia.

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
I have a village of support that lifts me up. From my husband, to my parents, to my son. They inspire me and motivate me to keep going, keep persevering. My biggest thanks will always go to God for everything. This journey is long with many hills and valleys. God has been with me step after step. I also think about the strong women I have in my life, even those who have passed on. I think about the path they have paved for me. The sacrifices they made to ensure I would be able to live out my purpose. I carry them with me in my spirit. I’m never doing this journey on my own.

Instagram: @bree_shows

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.