We had the good fortune of connecting with Brenae Flowers and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Brenae, what are you inspired by?
I am inspired by my son and young nieces/nephews. As we get older, we can forget how we saw the world before life started happening and responsibilities kicked in. Being around really young humans, you realize how much imagination they have and how much you have strayed away from that. When my son talks about his future with such conviction, I reflected on the things I used to believe in. Where did that spark go? My young ones inspired me to find the fire within myself.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
My art is a form of healing myself and servicing others. My writing is a form of release for self and assistance for others who suffered or are suffering from addiction. My 100% soy candles are for people to create a pleasant, non-toxic space in their home. What sets me apart from others is not just my background but the ability to openly share it through my writing. You just don’t see people that look like me discuss these topics.. I am excited for my future. I understand the power I have over my reality, having altered my life completely within the last two years. I am excited to continue to mark off goals and continue to elevate my life and help others elevate theirs.

How I got here today is leaving things behind that no longer served me. I realized I could not grow if I was not putting myself first. This meant getting to the root of my self sabotage and letting go of those toxic behaviors. Nothing worth fighting for is easy! It was a steep climb for me. My spirituality and seeking God assisted me with overcoming the negative thoughts and maintaining my determination to move forward and away from anything that was bringing me down.

I’ve learned that we cannot be scared of the power we hold within. I’ve learned the choice has always been mine! That goes for anything I want out of my life. I was just too scared to choose. A new beginning always seems so far away until you start taking the necessary steps. I want the world to know people who look like me, a brown skin American woman, suffered through addiction, self sabotage, and stunted personal growth, was able to alter her reality and go after what she deserved. My brand is about assisting in your own healing, being an advocate for yourself, and persevering.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
First stop from a trip from my best friend would be to Old Mill in Roswell. It’s nothing like starting your day in nature beside a waterfall. I use to call it a hidden gem, but it has become more and more popular over the last decade. Next stop would definitely be brunch at the Nook. This location would be intentional because a stroll around Piedmont Park would be necessary to walk off some of those calories and seek out any events around the area. It is always something happening at Piedmont Park!

With so many different spiritual spots, I would take my friend on a mini tour to explore them. One of my favorites is the Alchemist Den in Austell. These stores offer tools to assist in your spiritual growth and that will always be number one. I would request my friend to come during the Scott Antique Markets because I’ve been in Atlanta too long to not have experienced them myself. I love unique items with a little bit of history. Saturday morning will always be reserved for a farmers market. It’s so many to choose from this also might turn into a mini tour.

The most exciting thing about Atlanta is being able to go to the same spot but the experience is different. One of the best places I feel this way about is the Atlanta Beltline. You never know who you may bump into, what new friend you may meet or pop up shop that is in town. Atlanta is forever changing. As long as you don’t get stuck in missing what it was, you can appreciate where it is at!

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
My support group has always been my family. More specifically, I have a cousin , Aleisha, who owns her own business and has been such an inspirational force to take leaps of faith with my own. It can be quite easy to live in fear of the unknown when you first start your business. It has been a huge blessing to have someone so close that I can count on that has experience.

Website: www.fromtherootwellbeing.com

Instagram: @fromtherootwellbeing

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