Meet Andrea Sadler | Podcaster

We had the good fortune of connecting with Andrea Sadler and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Andrea, can you talk to us a bit about the social impact of your business?
I started my podcast “CyclePath” (which is Cycle – a series of events that are regularly repeated in the same order & Path – continual treading) and obviously a word play on the word “Psychopath” in May of this year (2022) I feel it helps my community by it being relatable to a lot of things. I created a space for me to vent in a positive way opposed to it being negative and angry like I used to especially on social media on a more personal level of events in my life or things I see on social media that may have sparked some controversy. I’m very big on mental health and speaking on my post partum depression. I’ve gotten listeners who told me that my story helped them overcome depression in general because it helped them understand what they may have been feeling and instead of labeling theirselves as “crazy” like I was labeled and accepting it they went out and got the help they felt they needed. I’ve had men thank me on explaining just a form of what post partum depression can be and that they are being more supportive to their partners because they now know that it’s nothing to take lightly. I went into this with a lot of built up emotions and let it out and it made me feel great but to know that I am touching others and inspiring others to even create something they always wanted to do I can’t even put into words how it makes me feel. Now my overall purpose is to continue to inspire any and everyone who will take a listen in whichever way I can. If I can do this, go thru this and get thru this (not saying it’s going to be an easy journey) so can the next person.
Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
Right now I work in the field for individuals with intellectual disabilities and although I love what I do it’s not my passion to continue this career. I have a 1 year old daughter and suffered really bad from Post Partum Depression/Anxiety. Most days I didn’t know if I was coming or going and I was in complete denial about it for about 10 months. After one night of contemplating of taking my own life I decided that I needed help and got the help I needed. My child’s father and I were very rocky so we had an argument one day (one of many) and I was left home alone and decided to record my first episode of my podcast (CyclePath) I am proud of my brand because I get to help my community overcome and motivate. I aim to inspire and I have inspired quite a few people to go forward with their brands. Professionally I am in school for Communications of Arts so I can know the ins and outs of podcasting, radio etc so I am still working diligently to get this off the ground into the ears of others other than my community. Many challenges I face is the fact I get nervous when I actually record or have a guest, I am still working on this challenge for this is my passion. Lessons I’ve learned along the way are that not everyone is going to support you, support yourself and be proud of yourself and once you get there nothing else really matters. I want the world to know that just 1 year ago I did not know if I was capable of doing anything, sad, mad, depressed, angry but I took a leap of faith by sharing my story and hoping that one day even if it’s one person I can inspire them to do the exact opposite of what I did especially in my post partum journey the first 10 months. That’s what I want my brand to do for the world. Just… inspire.
Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
I am from Bridgeport, CT and I currently live in Waterbury, CT. I don’t know much about Waterbury but if my best friend was to visit here I like this Pizza Place called Frank PePe’s pizza. It’s really good. In Bridgeport, where I was born and raised it’s not much of a big city, Connecticut overall is small, if I am not mistaken we are the 3rd smallest state in America however, I like to hang out in Seaside Park, I’d take them to local business restaurants of people I know. But overall, a lot of Bridgeportians (LOL) for a good time we go to New York City because it just has more to offer.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I give all my graces to God 1st. Without the higher being I would not be able to continue to even press the record button to speak on my podcast. My daughter is my biggest motivation and inspiration because prior to having her I was just living without a care in the world. I now live with a purpose and I want her to know that I am doing all of this for her being that she would be an adult one day and possibly facing challenges. She put so much pressure for me to be better and she continues to do so. I want to credit the author Barry Macdonough for writing the book “Dare, a new way to end and stop panic attacks for good” He gave me the tools to accept my anxiety, overcome it for the most part and changing my life. I want to shoutout my daughters father for giving me so much content indirectly. He doesn’t even know that our big disagreement in May inspired me to press record on the app (which I also give credit to because I create my content on there) I want to thank my sister for introducing me into the app when I inquired about starting a podcast and not knowing where I can start. And last but not least, the other individuals and experiences that inspired me for the content I created over the episodes and topics. Thank you.
Instagram: cyclepathpodcast
Facebook: Dre Mo