We had the good fortune of connecting with Alessia Cruci and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Alessia, how does your business help the community?
As a film producer interested in developing historical pieces (especially the one undercover female untold stories), I believe the past influences our present. Historic movies play an essential role in preserving and celebrating human history as they provide an opportunity to relive significant events and moments from the past, better understand our ancestors’ struggles and triumphs, and inspire future generations. Historical movies can also serve as a reminder of the importance of human progress. “Leaving the Factory,” a short film I wrote and directed, for example, tells the story of a group of women who led an upright in the 1910s and shows how far we have come in society. In the following decades, women continued to challenge gender norms and stereotypes, entering the workforce in more significant numbers and breaking through glass ceilings in various professions. Even though there is still a long way to go for female equality, we have come far from 1910, and we should celebrate that! By depicting historical events in a compelling and accessible manner, they make history more accessible and relatable, especially for younger generations. In addition, when women are better represented behind and in front of the camera, it can help to create more authentic and nuanced portrayals of women in media, which can have a positive impact on society as a whole. With my work, I hope to challenge gender stereotypes and promote more equitable and inclusive societies by analyzing where we came from.

Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
Life after graduation has been an enormous learning curve for me. Goal setting has been huge in my growth, not only professionally but also personally. I learned to find a balance between my work and personal life. I knew that working hard is not necessarily working more hours but working smarter.

Learning to set up intentions has taught me to work smarter – not harder. I mastered behaviors and habits to lead me where I want to be in my career life, and I am achieving milestone after milestone. I am still in my early 20s, and I feel blessed to be booked and busy doing what makes me happy, you know?

Some people call it luck, but I work hard to be where I am right now and am incredibly proud of myself.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I’m such a foodie I would take them to try the best brunch spots in town! This might sound cheezy, but I’d probably start the day with a beautiful hike in the Hollywood Hills, then a brunch spot before hitting the beach. What I love about Los Angeles is its diversity – it has everything from the ocean to the mountains, the desert, and the lakes. When my friends come to town, i love to show them all of this!

On the other hand, when my US friends come home to Italy, I take them into town. I show them the city by day and night. I love showing people where I grew up and talking about historical anecdotes.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?

Uuuuh to be honest with you, a lot of people ahah

I feel I wouldn’t be where I am today without my mentor, Carolyn Manetti. She introduced me to the world of film production and made me fall in love with it!

Also, my business partners Marco Bizio, Samuel Gill, and Joseph Wise played a crucial role in my career growth. I produced my first short film with them, called D-Day for Denise, and everything skyrocketed from there on.

Thought my career, I met a lot of people that in one way or another, contributed to my growth. I enter every project knowing that I will learn something new, whether to refine a skill or meet a new person; because of this, I feel like every project I work on and every person I work with leaves something with me which makes me a better producer.

Website: www.alessiacruci.com

Instagram: instagram.com/alessia.cruci

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alessiacruci

Image Credits
NFMLA, The Russo Brothers Film Forum Award Ceremony, CIFF, CIFF

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