By far the most common conversation we have with the folks we interview is about work-life balance. Starting a business or pursuing a creative career makes finding work life balance really tough because there is no clear start and end to one’s work day. We’ve shared some of our conversations on the topic below.
Krista O’Neal | Marketing Specialist & Founder of Miss Social Media
We see ourselves first and foremost as problem solvers. We saw a huge gap in the market for both consumers and business owners when it comes to local businesses being present and relevant on social media. The problem…? Consumers had to find businesses through traditional advertising (google, magazines, billboards, etc.) and often don’t really know the brand or business they are reaching out to. We wanted to change that and give customers a way to connect and get to know a business more personally and we found the best way to do that was through social media! Likewise, many businesses don’t have huge marketing budgets to help them show up on page 1 of google, buy a billboard, or advertise in local magazines, so it’s often hard for GREAT businesses with conservative budgets to be found. Read more>>
Joe Patrick | Atlanta sports reporter and radio/podcast host
Honesty. In sports, fans can sniff a rat. Fans can tell when you have an agenda – whether that’s to shield a player or coach from criticism or to indiscriminately lob criticism at anyone and everyone whether it’s justified or not. We found that being our honest selves was a way in which we gained a foothold, because sometimes it meant we landed on the side of majority public opinion and sometimes not. It allowed us not to be pigeonholed as a certain type of media. But more importantly, it leads to intrigue as to what we might say and how we might analyze a given game or situation. It’s our hope that this makes for an interesting listen to our shows. Read more>>
Shanae Cooper- Robinson | Award Winning Public Speaker& Poet | Best Selling Author | Book Reviewer | Educator, et al.
The most important factor behind my success is my work ethic. I work in good times, bad and in between. I am afraid to say that, I don’t know when to stop working because I am a workaholic. The only time my hands, feet and mind get rest is when I am asleep. In order to be successful , you have to be willing to put your ‘shoulders to the wheels’ because there is no substitute method for success other than hard work. Read more>>
Shonte Youmans | #1 Communications Coach , Speaker, Author and Travel Business Owner
I am a middle child from Reading, PA who moved to South Carolina and I currently reside in North Carolina. I started my business with the intent to serve in the Credit repair industry but that wasn’t my real passion because it was not God ordained. In 2020 I was diagnosed with COVID and I said, “God I want to live and not die” and it hit me that I needed to live out my God given dream! I thought about it, and I was scared because I didn’t know the ins and outs of being a business owner. But I did it scared and without validation from anyone else but God! Read more>>
Chimere Nicole Haskins | Mrs. USA 2023
The most important factor behind the success of my brand, #GirlYes, is the unwavering belief that women can be bold, ambitious, and beautiful. Girl Yes has three pillars, which promote these empowering qualities, and serve as the foundation for my success. By instilling the belief that once women believe in their ability to achieve something, nothing can stop them, I am not only promoting self-confidence but also encouraging women to pursue their goals fearlessly. This strong and empowering message resonates with my audience and has played a significant role in its success. It’s this confidence and determination that empowers women to break barriers, achieve their ambitions, and embrace their beauty, making your brand a source of inspiration and empowerment. Read more>>