We love ourselves a good quote and so we asked our community to share their favorite quotes and affirmations with us and we’ve highlighted some below.

Mecca Tartt | Women’s Health & Wellness Coach/Advocate

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. This is a daily scripture that I live by and I believe to be true. When you are a entrepreneur you have to be your own cheerleader, while also reminding yourself that God never ends on a negative. There are so many twist and turns in entrepreneurship which is why it requires big faith. This scripture serves as a constant reminder that God has more for, and that I have been set up to win despite any circumstances. Read more>>

Danny Fluker | Yoga & Meditation Instructor, Non-Profit Executive Director

“Every Moment is fresh” this is one of the teachings of Hindu Sage, Sadhguru. It’s a simple but powerful concept. If we each truly lived like each moment/ each second was brand new, being present to each and honoring the reality that each has arisen as a gift and won’t come again and this perpetuates – then we would live a less weighted life. Less weighted with worries, expectation, or stories that we create about “time” it’s a way of life that aids in getting us one step closer to freedom, both personal and collective. Read more>>

Cletis Allen | Educator & Educational Consultant

My favorite quote by Dr. Maya Angelou is “When you get, give. When you learn, teach.” A former teacher colleague sent me this quote as I was finishing my Master’s degree in 2013. During this time, I was defining my purpose as an educator and what I believed my identity was in the field of education. I admired Dr. Angelou for her national and international influence as an author, teacher, civil rights activist. After reading it a few times, I knew this quote summarized my purpose as an educator. Teaching is a selfless career. Educators are passionate about teaching and supporting their learners in the classroom. Educators do more than teach content knowledge and state standards; they give/create new cultural learning experiences, problem-solving solutions, social-emotional strategies, emotional support, and even provide basic necessities such as food and clothing out of their own pockets! My former mentor and principal, Dr. McClendon, always greeted the school staff with the question “How are the children?” We responded, “All the children are well.” Like the Masai community, Dr. McClendon valued the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of the children served in the community. Read more>>

Janet Hurst | Colorwise Screen Printing & Vinyl

One of my favorite quotes comes from Henry Ford. It is “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right”. Our thoughts are powerful and what we believe can either set us up for success or doom us to failure. Read more>>

Shellie Schmals | Creative Curator & Burlesque Producer

I have a small silver bracelet that’s stamped with the phrase, “To Be Great Is To Be Misunderstood,” and I wear this bracelet every day. This simple statement means the world to me. It reminds me to live authentically, regardless of what anyone else may think. It validates that my creativity is a personal, artistic, journey. One that can not be replicated and should not stand to judgement. This goes both ways, not only how the world sees me, but how I see the world. I strive to lead with kindness and an open-heart, to accept others as they are, and be open to their greatness. Read more>>

Kyshmah “Keke” McNeill | Entrepreneur, Artist, Creative

I was told this quote when I was 15 years old. It is “Good things come those who wait, as long as they work while they wait.” This quote means a lot to me because I have always seen myself as the underdog with everything I have done. Whether if it came down to sports, or my artwork, I truly never complained about anything and I do not complain now. This quote taught me to always work while waiting, just because things do not come right when you want it, does not mean it’s not coming at all. What I like about the quote is that it taught me to most definitely be patient because patience is a virtue. Not to rush anything because rushing could deter you from staying focus. It has always kept me grounded to know that what I am doing is not in vain, and that if I keep working hard and waiting, good things will come to me. Must stay humble and know that everything will ultimately be fine. Read more>>