We had the good fortune of connecting with Emani Scaife and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Emani, can you walk us through the thought-process of starting your business?
From the time I discovered it was possible, I wanted to be a business owner. My thought process was simple, I can chase my own dreams or help someone else build theirs, but at the end of the day I always desired to be my own boss. I truly believe God put everyone on this earth for a purpose and we should explore and fulfill our destiny while we can. When you see the vision God has for your life the only way to repay him is to be obedient and fulfill what he put you here to do.

Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
Being an entrepreneur in today’s world has become trendy, with social media making it appear glamorous. It’s different for me because I’ve known for a long time that I would work for myself – I guess you can say God put it on my spirit. Even on my worst days, when I’m crying and things are slow, I never think of quitting because I know God has chosen me to do this work and I genuinely get excited about making women feel beautiful.
Nothing about entrepreneurship is easy; every day is a challenge, especially for a small business where everything relies on you. There are no sick days, you have to show up and give 100% everyday. I’ve reached this level in my career by acknowledging my weaknesses and focusing on my strengths. If someone’s work was better than mine, I would practice that same technique until my work was better. On top of that, I made sure my business etiquette and professionalism was always high quality because it’s what separated me from other MUA and made me stand out from the crowd. Hustle beats talent every time, and luckily, I have both. There are plenty of talented people who lack ambition.
My biggest challenge was relocating to a new city with no family support. I decided to start from zero again because I needed a market where I could grow into a global brand. When I first got to Atlanta, I always reminded myself, “I don’t know anyone who put in 100% and didn’t get anything back.” So when things don’t go my way, I ask myself, “Did you really give it 100%?” Of course some days are easier than others, but I’m learning to give myself grace on this journey.
I want the world to know that failure is not the opposite of success; it’s a necessary part of it. You only truly fail when you don’t try. Despite everything I’ve been through, I’m proud that my faith and resilience is working!

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Atlanta has a new hot spot every week it seems like. I like to keep a low profile and I work a lot even when I’m not doing makeup I like to catch up on content and strategize I like working at Colony Square. It’s a great place to work, go on date or dinner with the girls there is so much to do there. I also do a lot of girl therapy maintenance, so my family knows when they come see me the spa and a winery will be involved. Chateau Elan is all in one. If i’m looking for a some fun I’ll go to blue or Cooper cove. The crowd is cool, service is great and the people are well dressed. My favorite soulfood spot is Roc south I believe I’ve taken everyone there who visits me. For fine dining I like H&W, the food is amazing and it’s perfect for a birthday dinner, the cake is delicious.

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
I want to give all praise, glory, and recognition to God. From the moment I took my first breath until the moment I take my last I will give him all the praise. The connections, opportunities, and vision given to me is my proof that God has his hands over my life and is guiding my steps. I know I don’t look like what I’ve been through, some would even think I’ve had it easy, but the truth is I’ve learned how to let go and let God. When things are looking dark I quiet my life, go deep within myself and listen to what God wants me to do. It’s in these moments where I see how God will take what looks bad and turn it around to work out in my favor.

Website: https://www.facebyemani.com

Instagram: facecardartistryy

Twitter: facecardartistr

Image Credits
Photo with white suit and robe were shot by @shine_inc on instagram

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.