We had the good fortune of connecting with Sue Dhillon and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Sue, career-wise, where do you want to be in the end?
The end goal has always been one thing – to help others. That s through my writing and my work as a journalist and host interviewing experts, my years of self-discovery and self-development work so I can help offer others some insights, wisdom or guidance in any way that may be beneficial.

The end goal is also to inspire others through my own journey which has been full of challenges and difficulties. It has not been easy, but I’ve managed to get past the hard stuff and forge on. It’s taught me resilience and through the continued self-improvement not only personally, but professionally through my work on the Blossom Your Awesome podcast and platform with experts, teachers, authors, trainers, doctors, healers and more I’m learning and committed to continued growth every single day.

I make a concerted effort to ask questions that I believe others are also curious to know the answers to. I am inquiring and always learning, growing, exploring, reading and writing so I can continue sharing meaningful and impactful messages with others. As I like to say I’m on a journey to inspire and inquire and through my work I hope to provoke thought and evoke emotion, touch and move others deeply at their core in some way big or small.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
Blossom Your Awesome is a platform I founded in order to help others do just that – Blossom Their Awesome. I believe each and every one of us is born with an immense amount of awesome and as a creative, a writer by trade I know there is something within each of us that is meant to be shared with the world.

I’ve always felt called to help others and make a difference by sharing my work, my words, my insights. I also have always known that my hardships had a deeper purpose. The lessons I’ve learned through immense trauma in my life were meant to be shared to offer insights for living more powerfully and purposefully even through insurmountable struggle. I’ve never just felt simply like a victim, but someone who was put here and given lessons coupled with a yearning and gift to write.

While my journey has been anything, but easy it has been one full of enormous growth and learning, not to mention countless blessings.

The greatest advice I was ever given as a child was by my mother. She would always say to me, “Life is hard. You have to be strong.” This advice I feel has carried me through so many trials and tribulations. I feel it gave me wings to fly even through the hard stuff because this lesson was instilled me at a young age. I learned to be accepting and surrender even in the harshest of times because of this deep inner knowing that was given to me from the time I was little.

So with all of the traumatic things I’ve endured from early on in life along with being a very feeling person and a compulsion to express myself through writing I see the magic in it all. Especially now with age I see how every little challenge and hiccup, every blessing, every gift, every thing was divinely orchestrated to get me to where I am now.

I’m so excited to continue growing Blossom Your Awesome as a powerful hub and space for resources, insights, and guidance for self-improvement. I am thrilled about some huge collaborations I have up coming that promise to bring massive value to my audience. I’m ecstatic about the growth of the podcast and committed to getting more great content out there. I look forward to bringing more amazing experts to the platform who are just as eager as me to continue offering love, light and awesomeness out to the world.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
Now let’s just say I live in one of the most fabulous places in the country, California so I know how lucky and blessed I truly am. Our options for wining and dining are endless and far too many too count, but when friends come to town – a week would entail a lot of hiking into the redwoods up in the Oakland Hills with peek a boo views of the bay and the Golden Gate. We’d probably most certainly make our way into Berkeley to the Gourmet Ghetto and hit up the Cheeseboard for some pizza and then most certainly have an evening at Chez Panisse for some over the top extraordinary fine dining.

We’d then venture into the city, San Francisco, yes that city and no don’t believe all the hype and things you hear about SF, it’s still an incredibly beautiful and awesome city. I lived in SF for more than 10 years, graduated from USF and started my journalism career there in radio working for Sway, yes that Sway at KMEl before moving over to TV and working at ABC7 so please don’t say anything about the city

I digress, we’d have to do a drive around and hit Fort Point, one of my favorite views of the Golden Gate Bridge, then of course across the Bridge, up an over towards the Marin side. We’d need to drive through the Presidio and over to Baker Beach. We’d probably stop at the Beach Chalet for lunch.

Then perhaps we’d head up to Twin Peaks for the sunset and wind our way down Market Street and cut over into North Beach and end up at the Stinking Rose for dinner.

A second day in the city would probably have us down at the waterfront near Pier 39 and hitting up SF Moma or into Golden Gate Park to catch some out of the world exhibit like Picasso or Frida at the De Young. We’d top this evening off with some really great Indian food and fine red wine in Nob Hill. I’d want them to really have a true taste of the city.

We’d also most definitely take a trip over to Napa to Artesa, one of my favorite wineries, depending on which way you are facing will have you either feeling like your’e in the south of France or in the heart of California Wine Country. We might just do a weekend cause I wouldn’t want to deprive my friend with just a little teaser. We’d do an Italian dinner at Scala or Don Giovanni with some Napa grapes of course.

So much more to do, but this is how I show friends around when they come to town.

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
I owe all of my growth, learning and success to the many people who I’ve gotten to know and learn from along the way. As a former network journalist I’ve had the pleasure of interviewing incredible people who are at the top of their game and have inspired me to level up.

I founded Blossom Your Awesome as a platform for self-improvement and inspiration. I’ve spent many decades on a journey of self-discovery and have worked with incredible teachers and trainers who have offered me so many powerful insights along the way. I’m an avid reader and each and every book, insight, piece of guidance or wisdom has in some way attributed to my success.

And now on the Blossom Your Awesome Podcast I’ve talked to nearly 300 and counting amazing experts, authors, healers, teachers, doctors, trainers and more who have not only impacted my own personal growth, but have helped countless listeners with amazing wisdom and practical guidance.

I’ve had the immense pleasure of working and collaborating with amazing experts like Dr. Daniel Winkle who is shedding immense light on the mind, body, science connection to the field of medicine, Dr. William Bengston a foremost expert in the field of energy research, Swami Nityananda who is from the lineage of Guruji Paramahansa Yogananda, a sage of epic proportions Katherine Jansen-Byrkit, Peacemaker Susan Partnow, and modern day luminary Don St. John just to name a few. So thanks are most certainly in order for the success I’ve seen thus far to these extraordinary few I mention here.

However there are so many more amazing people who I am in deep gratitude to. As a student of life every single person who comes into my world whether it be through work or in some other way has a blessing and gift to dispel.

Website: https://blossomyourawesome.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/i_go_by_skd/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2xmscsKkxQW7cLndZKfwng

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.