We had the good fortune of connecting with Denesha Cuneo and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Denesha, other than deciding to work for yourself, what else do you think played a pivotal role in your story?
You know, aside from taking that big leap to work for myself, the most pivotal decision I made was embarking on a journey back to myself. It sounds like a bit of an adventure, doesn’t it? With all the twists and turns of my own history and background, I had collected a fair share of beliefs and thought patterns that, honestly, weren’t doing me any favors. They were like these little roadblocks on my path, keeping me from truly shining.

It was a bit like gardening, in a way. My business—and, by extension, my dreams—could only start to flourish when I did. I had to get my hands in the dirt, so to speak, tending to myself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It was about weeding out those old beliefs, nurturing my well-being, and giving myself the space to grow.

And let me tell you, it wasn’t always easy. There were days I felt like I was trying to untangle a particularly stubborn knot. But as I started to clear away those blocks, as I started to heal and embrace my true self, everything began to change. My business took on a new life, reflecting that inner transformation, blossoming in ways I’d only dreamed of.

So, if I had to pinpoint that one crucial decision, it was definitely choosing to walk the path back to who I truly am, embracing every step of that journey. It’s been the most rewarding adventure of my life, and it’s made all the difference in the world, not just for me, but for Nexus Jet Setter and Unspoken Journeys too.

Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
Oh, diving into the essence of Nexus Jet Setter and Unspoken Journeys feels like sharing a piece of my heart. You know, the kind of conversation you have over a cozy cup of tea, where every word is steeped in passion and purpose. What really makes my business stand out? It’s the infusion of love and authenticity in every nook and cranny of what we do. It’s not just a service; it’s a heartfelt experience, a connection from soul to soul.

I’m incredibly proud of the impact we’ve made, touching lives in ways that go beyond the conventional. From imparting mental health wisdom, guiding self-care rituals, to sharing the ins and outs of meaningful travel – it’s all wrapped in a blanket of genuine, unfiltered life lessons. It’s like I’ve been on this beautiful journey, collecting pearls of wisdom and now, I get to share them with others, helping light their path.

Getting here? Oh, it’s been a wild ride, filled with learning curves sharper than a switchback trail. But every stumble and victory was a lesson in disguise. Continuous learning, embracing the trials and errors, and being cocooned in the support and love from my dear ones – that’s been my formula. It’s like each challenge was a stepping stone, leading me closer to my dream, reminding me why I started this journey in the first place – to be that comforting hand for others finding their way.

But here’s the heart of it all – love. It might sound a tad overplayed, but believe me, it’s the real deal. The kind of love that’s been my guiding star, from the divine, through the journey of self-love, to the warmth I receive and give back to the world. It’s this endless, beautiful cycle of love that keeps Nexus Jet Setter and Unspoken Journeys pulsating with life and meaning.

I like to see myself as a conduit of this powerful, all-encompassing love. It’s what breathes life into my work, what makes every encounter with Nexus Jet Setter and Unspoken Journeys resonate with something deeper, something more profound. We’re not just about the destinations or the healing; we’re about touching hearts, sparking change, and nurturing that inner flame that we all carry.

So, if you ask me about the magic behind what I do, I’d say it’s all woven with threads of love. It’s the bedrock of my every endeavor, the first thought in the morning, and the last whisper at night. It’s the force that propels me forward, to dream bigger, love harder, and keep extending my hand, hoping to sprinkle a bit of that love wherever I go.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
Oh, planning a week-long Birmingham adventure for my bestie? You just know it’s going to be epic! We’re talking about kicking back with margaritas, letting loose in a rage room, and diving into some of the city’s most delicious offerings. Here’s the game plan:

Monday: Brewery Vibes and Margarita Nights
– We’d start the week right with Monday night margaritas at a cool local brewery. Picture us, laughing and toasting to the start of an unforgettable week.
– Then, we’d wander over to Las Valedores food truck for some top-notch tacos and quesadillas. Because what’s a night out without some mouthwatering street food?

Tuesday: Italian Indulgence and Rage Room Therapy
– Tuesday’s all about treating ourselves to the finest Italian around. Le Frescas is the spot, with their risotto and spaghetti making my mouth water just thinking about it.
– Post-feast, we’d head to the rage room to smash away our worries. Imagine us, safety goggles on, destroying things and cracking up. It’s just the stress-buster we need!

Wednesday: Serenity and Burgers
– We’d take a midweek pause at the Golden Temple, soaking up some peaceful vibes and maybe snagging a quirky find or two.
– For dinner, we’re hitting The Standard. But we’re not there for anything standard; we’re there for what might just be the best burgers in town. Juicy, flavorful, and just the right kind of messy.

Thursday: Cajun Delights and Seafood Dreams
– Thursday’s vibe is all about that Cajun spice. The Cajun Seafood House is calling our names, promising the best Cajun Alfredo and stellar service. I can taste the creamy, spicy goodness already!

Friday: Casual Eats and Street Beats
– We’d roll into the weekend with a chill vibe, maybe start with a cozy café breakfast. Come dinner, it’s back to the food truck scene. Because one night of street food just isn’t enough, right?

Saturday: Nature Meets Nightlife
– Saturday’s for reconnecting with nature, maybe through a leisurely hike or a picnic in the park. As evening falls, we dive back into the city’s nightlife. Perhaps another round of margaritas, or we discover a new favorite haunt.

Sunday: Brunch and Fond Farewells
– Our week wraps up with a lazy brunch, reminiscing about our adventures and already plotting the next. It’s a slow goodbye to a week filled with laughter, discoveries, and those “only in Birmingham” moments.

This week is all about savoring the city’s flavors, laughing until our sides hurt, and making those “remember when” memories that’ll last a lifetime.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
God – Thank you for being my northern star & my guiding light.

Calvin J. Cole – Thank you for being love personified. My life partner, my husband, my best-friend, my photographer, my sounding board.

Ferninand Cole: Thank you for being you and always loving me like your own.

Natasha Agee – Thank you for being the definition of sisterhood in the flesh. My mentor/coach, my inspirational speaker.

Paris Jewel Marion thank you for being a spiritual guiding light.

Website: Nexusjetsetter.com

Instagram: Shae_regality

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/share/8HHVyx5FQXM98tZp/?mibextid=sCpJLy

Other: TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nexusjetsetterllc?_t=8k5CxRzcqp1&_r=1

Image Credits
Denesha Cuneo Calvin J. Cole

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