We had the good fortune of connecting with Tenesha and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Tenesha, maybe we can start at the very start – the idea – how did you come up with the idea for your business?

Starting an online boutique is something I had no question in my mind that I’ve always wanted to do, but for a long time I just couldn’t figure out my niche. I went to the High School of Fashion Industries in NYC, so as a teen, that is when I started designing. I learned the ins and out of Fashion Design which led me to go on to college and pursue the business side of the Fashion Industry. I attended Delaware State University where I graduated with a degree in Textiles minoring in Marketing Management. While in school, I was able to intern with some great designers, located in Delaware and in Brooklyn on the weekends. Throughout the school week, I was working at the Bookstore at my University, which led me to realize how much money there is in school pride! Now, fast forward; With all the experience I received in school and building up the courage to stop sleeping on myself, I decided to finally start my online boutique in 2018 (Zeal Kitty) this business stemmed from me being a part of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. I dedicated all my designs to the organization that I am a part of. After receiving 3x what I’d usually make at the company I was currently working at within the first few months, I had made up my mind that I would never put another company before my own. These big Fortune 500 companies had then become my side hustle. My business grew so fast, so quick that I truly had to take it seriously. After endless marketing and building connections the demand of Zeal Kitty got bigger and I made $100,000 my first year in business. Two years into the business and $250,000 later; I turned Zeal Kitty into something bigger, Perspective Threads which now designs for all NPHC organizations and it’s still expanding!

Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
The name Perspective Threads came from my line name “Perspective”. It was only right for me to incorporate my name with my business. I love my business and I am so proud of how far I have come. When I first started in 2018, I initially invested all my savings to create designs and have them executed by several different vendors. Now, in 2024 I create my products from start to finish myself and that gives me a sense of accomplishment. I’ve learned so much throughout these years, and guess what?! I’m still learning! I never say the phrase “Practice makes perfect” because it simply doesn’t. Practice makes you better and I truly get better each and every day! The entrepreneurship road has not been easy AT ALL. Being in my 20’s when I first started, I realized how much money I was making, I literally began to have no discipline. I spent tons of money on pointless things that I could have then invested in my brand, BUT I am so happy to say that I have learned and grew from that mindset. Each day I strive to become 1% better. I’ve taken company losses, consumer losses, etc. As entrepreneurs, we cry a lot, being an entrepreneur is one of the hardest things you will experience emotionally. To be successful, you must make a lot of sacrifices. As entrepreneurs, we continuously fail, but for me that’s what makes me work harder each day. Once I experience a failure, I make it my duty to come up with a solid plan to never experience that loss again or at least try to prevent it. Gaining shoppers has never been a struggle for me because I know my products are always good quality and I have great customer service. I’ve messed up a hundred thousand times, but I never gave up, nor will I ever! The entrepreneurship road is not an easy road, and it certainly is not overnight but seeing your hard work and dedication payoff, that’s the benefit of all the long nights, early morning, failures and loses!

What advice do you have for young women that would like to start on the entrepreneurship journey and what big plans do you have for Perspective Threads?

My advice to ANYONE that’s aspiring to become an entrepreneur or who is just starting their business journey is just .. DON’T GIVE UP! The only way to be good at what you do, is to do what you love! So, if your business is your passion, just stick to it and know that it will all work out at the end. It will get hard, you may hit rock bottom, you may not know how to figure out a problem in your business, but everything works itself out as long as you stay true to yourself and your brand. Do not focus on making your brand perfect, it will become perfect through the flaws. Social media plays a big part in people being afraid to start from the bottom because they watch all the people who is already successful but not remembering EVERYONE at one point started from the bottom. If you put the work in, you can become that successful entrepreneur that you aspire to be. Just start and never be afraid of failure, failure will be your best friend and that’s the hardest/scariest part, but it breeds character within your company.

Of course, I have big plans for Perspective Threads! I’m still working on which avenue I would like to expand to next but one thing I know for certain is that one day I would love to have a program where I teach children how to design. Children are the most creative creatures on this Earth and sometimes they just don’t know how to express their creativity. I would like to be that outlet for them and show them they can create and express themselves through Fashion and Design! My determination to live a life that I never want to take a break from is what keeps me going. My loyal consumers keep my business thriving. So, the struggles are needed to appreciate the beauty. There truly is beauty in the struggle. Six years later and I’m still learning, evolving, and improving within my business, it’ll always be a lifelong process.

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
Everyone in my life literally deserves a Shoutout! My friends and family support me, encourage me, motivate me and most importantly bring up Perspective Threads in rooms that I’m not in! Shoutout to all my consumers who constantly give me the opportunity to satisfy their wants whether it’s a custom item or anything from my pre-existing collections. But mostly importantly I would like to Shoutout Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc.! Zeta has played a big part in me finding my niche and connecting me with high profile entrepreneurs. And to save the best for last, I gotta give a big Shoutout to my Mom! She’s an entrepreneur herself and she not only told me but showed me that you do not have to rely on a 9-5 for financial security, we can become our own 9-5 if we truly put the work in.

Website: https://www.perspectivethreads.net/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/perspectivethreads_/

Other: Phone: 404.980.7295

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.