We asked folks to tell us about their favorite quote or affirmation and to tell us what it means to them. We’ve shared some of those responses below.

Tyler Moore | PR, A&R, and Artist Manager

My favorite quote at the moment is “Gots to see it through”. To some people, it seems like a generic motivational quote. But to me, it’s just a reminder, that every decision I make, puts me a step closer to my end goal, even if I don’t immediately see the results. This quote assures my frantic mind to stay focused on the finish line, despite running into setbacks. Read more>>

Yeonha (Yona) Park | 2D Animator / Designer

“Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass. It’s about learning how to dance in the rain.” My journey thus far has been profoundly dynamic, marked by the challenges of divorced parents, overcoming poverty, leaving high school, and embarking on a new chapter in the United States, among other tribulations. Each of these trials proved arduous to overcome, and I often found myself mired in despondency. Nonetheless, my perspective underwent a profound transformation upon encountering the following quote, “Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass. It’s about learning how to dance in the rain.” Read more>>

Lucia Scarano | Actor, teacher, mentor, coach, Mom, Nonna – not necessarily in that order.

“What’s worse than failure is regret.” Turning 65 on Oct 20th and speaking with my close-to-retirement friends who are doctors, lawyers, and high-profile business people – the filter of old age allows us to reminisce and play “what if”. Many of said friends had regrets because they were either afraid or discouraged to pursue their passion, their dreams. I defied my family’s wish to be a doctor and studied acting, both in college and afterward in NYC. I married and had three children, all of whom are adults and in creative careers (writers and musicians) because I repeated that quote to them ad nauseam. Has it been easy? No. But regret will erode your soul. Life is too short. I’ll be a surgeon in my next life. Read more>>

Candice Newsum | Theater Arts Director & Actress

” Risk fail, Risk again” – National Theatre Institute. Eugene O’Neill Theater Center I attended the Eugene O’Neill Theater Institute my Junior year in college. This quote is what inspired me to apply for this program. It was an amazing experience! Little did I know that this quote would be a tool that help me navigate through life’s journey of success. I really like this affirmation because it really explains that success is journey! When you try you may not get it the first time, but if you continue to put yourself out there the universe will open doors for you. Failure is only a teacher. When I first started my business with Children’s Theatre I applied for a particular summer camp location and I did not get it. I tried again the next year. Read more>>

Morgan Applewhite | Celebrity Florist & Florist Coach

“Dreams without goals are just dreams, and ultimately they fuel disappointment. On the road to achieving your dreams you must apply discipline but more importantly consistency. Because with without commitment you’ll never start but without consistency you’ll never finish.” – Denzel Washington This quote is a staple in my household and my thought process over this last year. It has been the key to my success and success to come because I used to say I lacked discipline and consistency. It wasn’t until making it through my first year of this business that I truly understood how powerful I am. Read more>>