We’ve been fortunate to connect with so many brilliant, thoughtful entrepreneurs and creatives and we regularly ask them about the most important lessons they’ve learned over the course of their careers. We’ve shared some highlights below.
Kamilla Davis | Comedian, Actress, Motivational Speaker
The most important lesson my business/career has taught me is to leave my comfort zone. I have to make sacrifices in order to grow and succeed within my career. Read more>>
Stebrina Kisingiri | Stebrina Kisingiri | Founder & CEO @ Kaki Kavod
My most important lesson so far has been that failure is a stepping stone and not the end. So, embracing it and approaching it with a growth mindset is what changed my perception from seeing it as a failure to perceiving it as a learning moment. I have definitely had a lot of learning moments since I first started my business, and still do today. Read more>>
Qwatisha Atkins | Chef
My biggest lesson was that I have to learn to not respond to people speaking negative on my business because it’s going to be people to bring hate sometimes you just have to have tough skin in this business owner world and learn not to let everything effect you. Read more>>