We had the good fortune of connecting with Debo Loudd and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Debo, what role has risk played in your life or career?
I would have to say that risk taking is extremely major. If not for taking risks I wouldn’t be doing what I love to do, or any of my passions. Instead I’d be living for what someone else wanted me to do. When I think about taking risks I look at it as the leap of faith or the gap from where you are to where you want to be in anything. With that being said you have to make it make sense it has to be calculated risk wether big or small always make sure its forward moving.

For myself the biggest risk I took was very early on when I quit my job. I did this with little to no money really saved to pursue my passion for fashion and my other creative endeavors full time. I was already running my clothing business while working at a good paying job. I trusted my intuition and when I felt like I had enough and I didn’t want to do that anymore I left and never looked back. I told myself I’d never work for anyone else again and stood firm on that.

I could have chose what was easy to just stay working ,but if I didn’t listen to myself I wouldn’t be as far as I am Now. Everything wouldn’t have happened as fast because I would’ve been resisting change. I can say this impacted my career immensely because letting go of that lead me to more opportunities down the line. Allowing me to style several rappers including the late Lil Keed. All of this stemmed from taking that one risk that allowed me to separate myself and focus on my craft.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
Over the past year & a half I’ve been working on expanding my brand and branching out with different ventures under the brand Loudd House which is my clothing brand. Under the umbrella I’ve started Loudd Vegan to showcase my vegan recipes to show people they can substitute unhealthy choices for better ones and still have great food. Another branch I started before that is Loudd House Nfts which is my digital brand showcasing Digital nfts connected to my clothing brand and art as well. My most recent clothing drop “Loudd Land” was released as a Nft. Starting my own collections of Nfts and giving people a space to grow with the brand as well in my discord server.

This helps me
create a funnel for everyone who is trying to gain access and learn more about everything and all the brands I create.One of my gifts and passions is to create art. I have done it all my life and excelled at it so it was only right to create Loudd House Art. This allows me showcase my art including wall murals, sell pieces and commissions for other to enjoy. As far as myself over the past couple months I’ve found myself recording and making music.

Recently I released 2 projects in the last months.This was on my bucket list to make a song & I continued to keep making music after. The feed back was also good which was a bonus but honestly I enjoy the process and it’s fulfilling to for myself just to create. After a while just working on improving got addicting trying to experiment and see what I could do to sound better. Overall this was something unexpected but turned out to be a something I now enjoy doing.

Getting to this point was not that easy tho through perseverance and dedication I was able to do so. I dealt with so much in the process of creating “Loudd House”. On this journey there were ups and downs. I dealt with many people trying to break my confidence and spirit because I’ve always been sure of myself and confident in my own skin and in whatever I did. Over time I watched friends and family disappear along the way.

Just by being myself everything was revealed along my path and I learned not to take it personal. Once I realized majority of the people where only projecting their own insecurities on me it got easier. Of course that didn’t make things any less weird but you learn it has nothing to do with you but everything to do with them. My brand was created to show people that whatever trials and tribulation you undergo you can still be “Loudd” & expressive, while still being your true self. My goal is to let my work inspire other to go after their dreams, passions & pursue whatever they love and create it .

I got the idea from the lifestyle I was living just being heavy in the street beforehand. I went through alot of negative and life threatening situations but I found the good in it. I wanted to change the narrative because majority of people don’t make it out of the situations I was in. Once I changed my perspective from those things happened to me to happened for me I was able to use my story as a guide for someone else who may be going through something similar.

This allowed the clothes and my other creative passions be my outlet instead of the traditional route. I can honestly say there was not many positive influences in my environment. That lead me to chose to be what I wish I had instead of conforming to society. That can be a difficult path to take on but it is definitely worth it. I feel anything worth doing will test you at some point. Using the bigger picture as motivation keep me going throughout any obstacles or situation I may face.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
When I’m In the A I like to hit a few places. My first stop is always the Craxkhouse to go grab some candy grapes located in Decatur. From there I’d have to go hit the deep inn to give some essential drip to the sharks and network. After that I’d chill and relax. Later I would go to Planted Express and get a fire vegan meal and they’re open late too so It’s a perfect late night grub spot. Overall I’d do alot of sight seeing and networking while making sure I get to relax as well.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I would have to Shoutout my late Grandmother. She passed almost 2 years ago now and I can say She always had her best interest at heart for me. She was like a best friend and a Mother figure at the same time. It wasn’t the best environment but she always made sure I was good and did an amazing job. I was just happy to show her I turned my life around for the better. I always keep going knowing she’s still with me and proud of what I’ve become.

Website: https://louddhouse.com/

Instagram: https://instagram.com/deboloudd?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==

Other: https://jemi.so/everythingloudd

Image Credits
@cheesypics on Instagram

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