We asked the community to share their favorite quotes and affirmations with us. Check some of those out below.
Sandria Taylor-Joseph | Realtor/Entrepreneur
Yes, my favorite quote is “Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person of value.” – Albert Einstein I like this quote because I try to emulate this philosophy. I want to be seen as someone who add value/build relationships and contributes to my community rather than focus on my achievements or what what’s in it for me. Read more>>
Payal Tello | Infant Mental Health Advocate
“Things are always working out for me!” There are so many twists and turns that life has offered me and I wouldn’t be the mother, or person, I am today without each and every single one of them. Even when the world seems dark and I feel abandoned, I know deep down inside that I am exactly where I am supposed to be and that, especially when I feel lost, I am going to end up on the other side even wiser and stronger! Read more>>
Sage Hill | Motivational Speaker & Life Coach
My favorite quote is by Maya Angelou that says, “You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” I love this because it helps bring things that happen outside of our control into perspective. We don’t always have a choice about events that happen to us and this is why no one should feel ashamed or responsible because of things we didn’t choose; it’s not your fault. The good news is that we have the final say in our narratives and we can choose to not to be be reduced to something less that who we know we are. Read more>>