We had the good fortune of connecting with Radesha “Desh” Dixon and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Radesha, maybe we can start at the very start – the idea – how did you come up with the idea for your business?
I’ve always been someone to dream big. I have vision boards. Years ago, I was engaged. I realized I wasn’t happy and progressing like I envisioned. He was a good guy, just not the right guy. Unfortunately, we grew apart. After the breakup, I went on a spiritual self-empowerment journey. I didn’t date anyone for a while, just really focused on me. I read a lot of personal growth and development books in addition to books on spirituality. When I say spirituality, I mean books by Gary Zukav, Marianne Williamson, and Michael Bernard Beckwith, for example. I have always been into performing arts. I used to dance and write when I was younger. I picked up modeling and pageants in my teenage years along the way. Through doing the inner work, self-reflection, I was able to identify patterns and programming that caused me to settle. I became aware of the poor conditioning that I, like so many other women, have in the patriarchal society that we live in. As I continued to grow in my consciousness and self-awareness, that led to self-publishing my books, having written articles featured in magazines, having worked with Dr. Joe Vitale and starting my podcast a couple years ago. Queens Don’t Settle is not only the name of my company but it’s the title of one of my books and my podcast.
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
I’m still dealing with grief. I think it’s important to be transparent and vulnerable. Nonetheless, I hope to be able to acquire the funds to still attend the International Model & Talent Association convention (IMTA) in California in January 2022. It’s always been a dream of mine to have a successful career in the entertainment industry. I’ve been working on my craft in that area. I am proud to have self-published three books, available on Amazon. I’m working on my fourth book. My podcast has amassed over 75k plays. I intend to continue to grow the podcast.
Being into personal growth and personal development has helped me tremendously. It’s ongoing. Doing the inner work on yourself is ongoing. It’s not easy. Transformation is a process, and that process isn’t smooth. A lot of things are going to surface on your path to becoming your highest and best self. Having to bury two of my closest people within a year of each other has been devastating. It’s a pain and heartbreak that I’ve never experienced before. I don’t think anyone ever gets over it, you just learn to cope. You put one foot in front of the other when these challenges arise. I would say to focus on what matters. Life is too short. I’m learning to align. There are a number of people talking about hustling, but I believe alignment is better. Your higher power knows the fastest and best way to get you to your goal(s) so taking the time to get quiet and be still is more productive in my opinion than just doing a bunch of things that aren’t really right for you in the name of trying to hustle or appear busy. I can definitely say that your circle matters. Who you hang around will have an effect on you. Align yourselves with the right people.
I’m human just like you. I don’t have all the answers. I’m not perfect. I’m growing and progressing just like you. It’s better to start and figure things out along the way rather than procrastinate from trying to have everything perfect. Done is better than perfect. I want women all around the world to know that they are truly a gift. Women are a gift to the world. We are not to settle. We are not to be silenced. We are not to shrink or minimize ourselves in any way. We all have amazing gifts and talents beyond being a wife and/or a mother. We get to decide who we’ll be and should make no apologies for it. It’s not selfish to put yourself first; you must fill your tank up to fullness so you can give from your overflow. There’s no need to compete with one another, there’s more than enough to go around. Live your best life on your terms my Queens. Know your worth. You have value. You are valuable and you matter. And you must never forget that. Queens Don’t Settle.
Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
I’m a newbie to Atlanta. I’ve only been here a year, so I don’t necessarily have a favorites list yet. There are so many things to do that our itinerary would include trying everything we could while they were here. I’m laid back and so are my friends for the most part. Thus, simple things like bowling, skating, going to the movies, and trying new restaurants would work for us. We would probably try a different restaurant each day. We would go to Andretti Indoor Karting & Games. That’s fun. Maybe even take a drive to TN. We’d make the best of it either way.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
Over the years, I’ve read a lot of books that have helped me. I’ve attended live events. One book in particular that I will shoutout is Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T Harv Eker. It really left an impression on me regarding mindset. Mom and my sister Fionia were an integral part in my success as they were my biggest supporters. The pageants, fashion shows, dance recitals, you name it…they were there without a question. I think about them every day. I just buried mom in September and Fionia last year. I must give credit to those two women. When I think of the lives that they both lived, it’s a reminder to make sure I’m a part of breaking the cycle so women know their worth and don’t settle in their lives, that we deserve the best. I will also shoutout Circle of Champions in MD. I learned a lot and grew a lot from being a part of that organization founded by Bob Yates. I will also shoutout Lucinda Cross who helped get me my 2nd International speaking engagement in the UK. I am very grateful to everyone who has been a part of my journey including all of the authors who wrote the books that have helped me awaken and become more enlightened. Many blessings. Love and peace.
Website: https://queensdontsettle.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nomorebrokenrecords/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nomorebrokenrecords
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DeshDixon
Other: https://linktr.ee/NoMoreBrokenRecords