We had the good fortune of connecting with Lynell Sprauve and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Lynell, do you have some perspective or insight you can share with us on the question of when someone should give up versus when they should keep going?
Faith, Time, and Smart-work!

I’m the type of person that has always lived by the motto, “Do what you love and Love what you do”. The only person that has the authority to persuade you to quit or to continue going is YOU. It is super important to have reflective moments in your life, because it allows you to look inward and decide what actually matters to you! The most challenging, yet exuberant feeling is when we come to the realization that we don’t have to be perfect in-order to be profitable and successful. Throughout my journey, what I came to understand is that always striving for perfection delayed me from following my dreams. So rather than trying to be perfect, I started being present.

I promise you: we all experience trials and tribulations. Literally, we have great days and not so great days. However, those highs and lows really do shape us into the people that we are today. Each of our experiences are so unique and sometimes it’s super difficult to restrain from comparing our journeys to the next. Let’s be real though! Your journey is your own & my journey is mine. Once I grasped that concept, in its entirety, it made focusing on my passions a whole lot easier.

Lastly, I don’t necessarily correlate “giving up” as a negative term, merely because life happens – every. single. day. For instance, if some thing no longer feeds your soul, makes you feel whole, or even brings out the best in you – it most likely isn’t for you! The only circumstance in which “giving up” is a negative connotation is when you don’t consistently try.

Being an entrepreneur may look easy on the outside, but the real ones know. This entrepreneurial lifestyle is for STRONG BELIEVERS. That is why it’s essential to actually love the services/products that you’re marketing to your target audience. Customers are getting more intelligent by the day, so take yourself and your brand seriously. Remember to be present by in every moment. Remember to take the time you need to reflect on you and what’s next. Remember to work smarter, and most importantly, remember to always have faith in what you can do!

What should our readers know about your business?
Nellz Clozet, LLC is an online fashion boutique that enables each customer to feel beautiful, confident, and comfortable in everything they wear. Our ideal customer believes in who they are, believes in what they can do, and most importantly, believes they are deserving to be fashionable and comfortable all at the same time.

I am most proud of how far I’ve come. Nellz Clozet, LLC has always been a dream of mine, ever since I knew I was a fashion connoisseur, and to see it prospering in real life really warms my heart. Throughout my teen years, I was a very shy girl. What made me feel safe in uncertain situations was my excitement with the outfit I paired together that day. Let me tell you a hidden gem: when you look your best, no one can tell you nada!

It’s not easy, but it’s not hard. You can handle everything you encounter in your lifetime, especially if you really want to do it. I promise you, I have my moments where I need to pray and meditate! I let myself feel! I let myself be human. I was still learning something new about myself and my business each and every day – and that’s amazing; keeps me on my toes.

The most important thing that I learned along my journey to success is that it’s OK to have a period of time in your life where you are separating yourself from others. Of course, have a conversation with the people that you love and let them know that you need some space from time to time; communication is definitely key. The key factor to the periods of solidarity is to be honest and transparent with yourself, your feelings, and what your goals are in life.

I’ve always had a stupendous passion for fashion and I’m super grateful to showcase it with everyone. I placed time, energy, and a whole lotta love into Nellz Clozet just for you!

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
If my friends were visit me in the area, it’ll only be for a brief moment, merely because shortly after they arrive, I’ll be taking them on a vacation to a tropical, Caribbean island lol but I’m serious. We’d most likely, take a day to enjoy each other’s company, grab brunch at Dames Chicken and Waffles or Luxe! Mimosas for sure. Then we’ll unwind at my place, and later head to grab drinks downtown to catch a vibe and meet new people.

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
I want to express my utmost gratitude to my Father above, who helped me hold my head high and goals even higher.

And of course, my support team – mi familia.

Website: www.NellzClozet.com

Instagram: @nellzclozet.co | @nellz.co

Twitter: @nellzclozet

Facebook: Nellz Clozet, LLC

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.