What’s the right balance between work and non-work time? The traditional 9-5 has slowly disappeared with the emails and zoom and texting going far beyond traditional business hours. We asked members of our community to share with us how they think about work-life balance.

Crystal Foote | Visionary Founder and Author

Over time, I’ve mastered co-mingling my priorities to maintain a balanced work-life dynamic. My strategy involves seamlessly blending professional and personal responsibilities, illustrated by my children’s school recently establishing a coworking space just two minutes from the campus. Read more>>

Mike Kelleher | Business Owner, Entrepreneur, Physician Assistant

When I first began (R)Evolution, there was no such thing as work life balance. There was (R)Evolution. I went into this endeavor with a 3 year plan in mind. The first 3 years were going to be dedicated to this business, and that is exactly how it has developed. (R)Evolution was not going to fail. Read more>>

Bryan Tucker | Photographer & Entrepreneur

My work life balance has changed so dramatically. When I think about my life a few years back, I would always catch myself in the wrong p[ace at the wrong time. Another struggle of mine was trying to pile to much on to my plate and not allowing myself to rest properly. Read more>> 

Amber Brannen | Wedding and Portrait Photographer

When I first started my photography business, I was right in the middle of my college education. I had a LOT of free time, no full-time job, no husband, and no kids. I could schedule my clients whenever and wherever, without thinking about anyone else but myself. Read more>>

Imani Lima | Freelance Artist & Painter

When I think about balance, I think about my wants vs my needs. I try to ask myself periodically what do I want right now in terms of how my day or week will go & what do I need. Now this might change and I will want to get a bunch of ideas out and paint but I might need to rest, clean & reset. Read more>>

Theresa Noye | Theresa Noye | Radical Self Love Coach & Author

When it comes to balancing work and life, I’ve realized that it’s not about splitting my time evenly. Instead, I focus on what I love and what energizes me. First off, I pay attention to my energy. If something drains me or makes me feel constricted, I know it’s not serving me well. So, I prioritize activities that make me feel alive and open. Read more>>