They say life isn’t about the things that happen to you, but about the decisions you make. There’s a ton of coverage about the best decisions people have made, but not nearly enough conversation about the tough decisions. We asked folks we admire to tell us about the most difficult decision they’ve ever had to make and have shared some of those responses below.

Tina Dixson | Beauty Entrepreneur and Custom Mask Maker

To depend soley on self and let go of my security blanket. Letting go of my corporate job, which was my security blanket has been my most difficult decision I’ve had to make thus far. I was with the company for 15 years and made a really good living. I no longer lived check to check for over a decade. It allowed me to invest in stocks, have a 401k plan, nice savings account and maintain a consistent 5 figure balance in my bank account. Read more>>

Bby Lon | Model & Entrepreneur

Most definitely deciding not to take my talent serious. I’ve doubted myself a lot in the early stages. Especially when it came to thinking of what others would say or not believing I’d have the potential of being at that top level. I had no idea how far my talent could actually take me Read more>>

Rhonda Spratt | Entrepreneur + Breast Cancer Advocate + Golfer

The most difficult decision I’ve ever had to make was whether or not to sign the DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) for my Mom while she was in the hospital battling for her life due to complications from breast cancer. Read more>>