We asked folks about legacy and what they want people to remember about them. We’ve shared some of those responses below.
Kate Kayaian | Writer and Coach for High-Performing Creatives
When it comes to the Legacy that I leave behind, I would love to be remembered as a person who helped people to see that they could TRULY live the life they wanted, without being held to industry norms and expectations. Read more>>
Nkechi May-Nzeribe | Brand Management Consultant
I want my legacy to be AUTHENTICITY. In a world where people are forced to wear masks in order to be accepted or tolerated….. I want people to be inspired to be comfortable in their own skin by how comfortable i am in mine. Read more>>
Joy Edwards | Founder & CEO of Sweet Surrender
As a mother, I want my legacy for my children to be a plethora of love, joy, and happy memories to last several lifetimes and my business, Sweet Surrender. I want my business to provide a source of income and financial stability for my family for generations. Read more>>
Each of us has the unique duty and joy to carry on the hopes of our ancestors who came before us. We are that legacy, and it’s up to each of us, individually, to grow in our honor and set the example for those who come after us. Read more>>
Jael Brown | Actor, Director, Makeup Artist
Hmm. This is a hard thing to define. One of my favorite quotes about “legacy” is from Hamilton- “What is a legacy? It’s planting seeds in a garden you never get to see.” When I think about my legacy, I think about all of those that came before me, and how their journeys directly and indirectly impacted my own. Read more>>