The values and principles that matter

We’ve always believed that forming a strategy is impossible until you’re clear on what your values and principles are. Without values and principles to guide you, making decisions can seem impossibly difficult. Given how important setting values and principles is to decision making we asked folks we admire to tell us about the values or principles that matter most to them.
The value that matters most to me is being in integrity. A major shift happened for me in my healing journey when I realized that INTEGRITY was literally EVERYTHING. I had to start keeping the mini promises I made to myself (and my inner child), and act in accordance with my values and goals in order to build self-trust. Read more>>
Authenticity and integrity are the principles that matter the most to me. I worked for decades in corporate environments where I couldn’t always be myself. And I’ve worked with plenty of women, and men too, who were stifled by the demands of their employers. Read more>>
I love this question! I think that our values should affect every aspect of our lives and that people watching us in our daily lives should be able to get a good idea of what we value without us ever verbalizing these values to them. Read more>>