Risk is the most common topic that comes up in our conversations with entrepreneurs and so each week we ask entrepreneurs to talk to us on the record about how they think about risk.

Katie Johnson | Brand and Event Photographer

Risk taking does not come naturally to me. It is, in fact, very scary! But over the years of entrepreneurship I have discovered that if I am willing to bet on something – I’m gonna bet on myself every time. They say that growth comes when you get our of your comfort zone and I truly believe that. No matter how much fear I have when it comes to taking a risk or doing something new, I do it anyway and it always pays off in the long run. No risk = no reward! Read more>>

T.W. On Demand | CEO/ Executive Creative Director

Risk taking is everything. If there is no risk….there is no reward! Life is one big roll of the dice. You have to take a chance to advance. If it wasn’t for taking a risk, I would not be where I am today. Read more>>

Emma Doss | Entrepreneur, Creative Professional, Food Brand Creator

As the saying goes…”without risk, there’s no reward”. As an entrepreneur, I think taking risks is the only way you will find out what is on the other side of the coin. Also, the younger you are, the more adventurous you are. I recommend jumping out there now if you are pre or post-college age or maybe even just a little bit older. You’ll be able to bounce back easier. Read more>>

Nick Solorzano | Comedy Director / Director of Photography

Yeesh. This question really got me. The film industry is such a crazy place.. and its full of crazy people. You have have to be crazy to sustain yourself in it. The lifestyle is completely built on risk taking. Most of the jobs in the film industry are gig based. Each role hired out to a specialized contractor (which is usually always by referral alone). You won’t have a steady paycheck (unless you’re working on a feature film) and you won’t have a steady work schedule. You get what you get when it comes and sometimes it doesn’t for a while. It’s risky. And it’s not for everyone. Read more>>

Makai C. its Margiela | Record Producer & Composer

Risk is important in every path I believe, Without risk and exploring the path of the unorthodox and unknown we wouldn’t advance as individuals or as an overall society. In the game of music industry risk is something you will have to do constantly. Not a risk that walks the line of life n death but, a risk that will challenge your patience, work ethic, value in your self as an individual, a multitude of things. In this case one thing I’ve given up would be most “friend” social interactions unless it directly ties to music / business. Read more>>

Antoinette Davis | Baker, Chef & Owner

I believe the only way to accomplish what you are supposed to do in life is to not be afraid and take a risk. Risks has played a big role in my life and career! In my life I married at age 23 and 21 years later I am still with my wonderful husband. That was a risk for two young people to take. In my business I started baking by faith not knowing how to bake at all. That was a risk, now people are buying my baked goods and loving them week after week. Read more>>

Frances Sasport | Broadcast Engineer & Visual Artist

I think of risk as a necessary component for achieving growth or success. Taking risks and allowing yourself to be put into uncomfortable positions pushes you to think differently and consider other options or perspectives. Upon being laid off from my full-time job at Warner Media in November of 2020, I was presented with a choice between working towards another full-time position, or taking one of the biggest risks in my life and start my own business. Read more>>

Connor Reed | Singer/Songwriter, Artist

Risk is necessary, especially as an artist. But honestly, risk and I have a love/hate relationship. My mind becomes flooded with doubt, wondering if we’ll even work out in the end, and my hands get clammy like I’m waiting for it to blow up in my face. It’s a stressful experience with risk. That’s why people like to play it safe, in whichever endeavor they pursue, to avoid failure and embarrassment. The thing is, most people don’t spend their time thinking about you (sorry). Read more>>

James Gerrald Jr. | Sneaker Boutique Owner and Entrepreneur

I believe risk is what is required to get ahead the furthest in life. There is nothing wrong with steady, consistent, and playing it safe. But those who take the biggest risks are typically rewarded the greatest. With that said, I have used risk in order to make decisions on what is worth pursuing in life and in my career. The key to risk though is to learn as much information as you can to make the most informed decisions. I like to think of this as leveraging risk. Read more>>

Cory Salatino | Business Consultant

One of the most significant risks I took was going to boarding school 5 hours away from home for high school. It turned out to be the best decision I had ever made. Canterbury Prep helped to mold the man I am today. As the saying goes, “No risk, no reward.” But let me clarify my breakdown of this saying, rather than taking risks on a whim, I take calculated risks. Meaning I weigh all options before making a decision. Sometimes I go with my gut. Read more>>

Monica Swint, BSN RN | Nurse| Entrepreneur| Speaker

Risk are necessary to become successful. Taking major risk in business have played a huge part in my career. I look at risk as betting on myself. If I don’t take a chance on myself, who else will? Read more>>

Marie Neuhaus | Owner & Founder, Haus AF Fitness

I never think of myself as a risk-taker. I always think of risk-takers as more adventurous than me, people who have absolutely nothing to lose, those who have such guts that no matter the outcome, they’d choose the risk again. But I actually think I am a risk-taker. Fourteen years ago, I took the risk of being selected as a Marine Corps Officer & I was. I quit my job, moved across country & gave up my whole life as I knew it to be a Marine. Read more>>

Desiree Monette | Published | Actress | Songwriter | Author | Entrepreneur

I believe taking risks is very important to do in life, in order to grow and move forward to where you see your future self you have to be willing to try new things and step out of your comfort zone to gain new results or outcomes for success. Read more>>

Jason Ansley | Professional Tattoo Artist

Taking risks is not only something done in the art world, it is a characteristic that I try to embrace with a smart, open mind. I told myself “no risks, no rewards” when I started in this tattoo business and try to live by it as well. Read more>>

Armando Ayala | Musical Artist

I feel like risks are a major factor in life. If you ever want to get where you want to be in life you definitely have to take a lot of risks. In my life ive had to face many difficult decisions like choosing if wether i wanted to pursue the acting career ive always wanted or stick with the musical career ive paved over the years. I for one love risks, because you never know where they might take you. Read more>>

Chantel E. Curry | Artist & Interior decorator

I strongly believe that people should definitely take risk especially when they really feel it within. Everything is a learning process whether you succeed or you fail with the risk that you take you just know what to do next time around or you keep doing what you’re doing and you will see the light at the end of the tunnel. I’m definitely a risk taker when something tells me within and do it I’m doing it and it never fails. Read more>>

Krischanna Roberson | Entrepreneur and Racial & Cultural Inclusion and Equity Consultant

I believe that I cannot fit in and stand out simultaneously, so because of that belief, I have to be all about the risks. There is a safe comfort in staying in your lane, not rustling feathers, and not trying to be anything different than what you believe the world told you to be. Coming away from those thoughts and actions is completely centered on discomfort, which is what risk is all about. Read more>>

Lul Zae | Artist

Risk Taking had played a huge toll in who I am today. Without me taking some of the risks I did take I wouldn’t live the same lifestyle, have what I have or anything like that. Read more>>

Antionette Miller | SavagelyHumble AKA Producer Extraordinaire

I think taking risk is important because if you never try different things you will never know what you’re good at! For me taking a risk was scary at first but the more comfortable I got the easier it became. Also taking risks help me build confidence to do anything I put my mind to no matter what others may think! Read more>>

Eric Stangeland | Musician and Teacher

I think risks are very important. I take a risk/reward approach to deciding on when to take a risk. Taking risks have played a huge part in my career. That’s really the backbone of being an artist. Just putting yourself out there is a big risk. Read more>>

Taylor Aidan Amari | Actor, Writer and Director

Take. Those. Risks! I’m 100% in the business of not letting fear win, living with courage, and having fun doing it. I do consider myself a thrill seeker, in most walks of life, except when it comes to my safety and money ok, and it has led me to some of my best memories. It feels me with energy to succeed at something I had so much anxiety about, and when I remember to not take life so seriously all the time, my failures are memorable too!  Read more>>

Quahmiere Harris | Actor/Model

Taking a risk is like having faith in what you believe in. A risk is usually having the thought and a gut feeling about being able to move forward. Life itself has to offer you. Read more>>

Montesha “Brackins” Ford | Self Published Author, Reverse Mentor, Ghostwriter

The term ‘Risk taking’ or ‘risk taker’ has become one of my attributes, or what’s known as characteristics. I entered the entrepreneurial branch at an age where I should’ve been studying and working towards my degree where I could’ve went down a more smoother road than what I travel down now. I’m self published I pay for everything out of my pocket. I take a lot of losses teaching myself as I move forward. I don’t have mentors or someone coaching me. The people I reach out to and ask for support is sometimes too busy so I have to stand up and be the manager, assistant, artist, illustrator with designing a book cover. It’s a little intimidating when hearing it but you have to be abled to lose to win . Practice doesn’t make perfection but PROGRESS. Read more>>

Kevin ‘Threat’ Rainey | Tattoo artist & wizard

Risk taking for me is really important I started my career like every artist just trying to build clients threw social media and putting my artwork out there. when one day a homie told me about these tattoo conventions. I was barley getting by so dropping hundreds of dollars on the booth, travel, and stay was not really the move but I wanted to watch these great artist run in person. It ended up being worth everything at the end I learned so much met so many dope artist and became a lot better than I was. So now I don’t hesitate to risk it I jump ten toes in and embrace what ever I get out of it. Read more>>