To persevere or to pivot is a question that do-ers have been asking themselves since the beginning of time. It’s never a straight road when you are doing something new, blazing a trail, breaking a ceiling, or pushing boundaries, so it’s only natural to wonder whether to give up midway. How do you know whether to keep going or to give up?
Lizzy Tetteh-Ocloo | Aspiring clinical social worker & Mental Wellness Advocate
Deciding whether to keep going or to give up can be a challenging and deeply personal decision. There is no one-size-fits-all answer, as it depends on any given situation, goals, and personal feelings. One way that I consider making the decision to give-up or keep going is through self-reflection of my motivations and passions. Reflecting on my purpose reignites my passion and reminds me of why I started in the first place. Remembering my why is used a source of resilience in the midst of challenges that push me to consider giving up. Read more>>
Shauna Moon | Musical Artist
I have never been a quitter naturally. I’d prefer to persevere, but I think that’s because I grew up with a survival mentality. Nowadays, I believe that if something is affecting your health, it’s not worth it. I have left jobs because the environment was toxic and affected my mental health. My self-worth is too high to stay in a situation that makes me feel less than. When it comes to music, however, and things that you love, I don’t believe that there’s such a thing as giving up. Sometimes creativity requires time to process, reflect, and stillness. During this time, we rediscover the things we loved about creating. We also learn that we are more than the art we create. Read more>>
Devin Doyle | Director of Photography & Camera Operator
This is a super poignant question in the entertainment industry at this moment. As I type this the Writers have negotiated a deal with the AMPTP and the Screen Actors are next up at the table. Everyone’s waiting with bated breath for this strike to be over so we can all resume work. This work stoppage has been a moment of deep reflection (similar to COVID) for myself and many of my friends in the industry. When you’re out of the rat race for a moment you can afford to take the long view on your business, your role in it, and where you’re headed. Read more>>
Wiktoria Ohanyan | Singer & Beauty Therapist
The most important thing is to set priorities and values in life. I believe that we should never give up because each action results in a specific result, sometimes worse, but sometimes better, which in the end brings us closer to achieving our goal. Read more>>