To persevere or to pivot is a question that do-ers have been asking themselves since the beginning of time. It’s never a straight road when you are doing something new, blazing a trail, breaking a ceiling, or pushing boundaries, so it’s only natural to wonder whether to give up midway. How do you know whether to keep going or to give up?

Nubia Adams | Intuitive Herbalist, Artisan, Postpartum Doula

To know whether to keep going or give up, one must continuously check in with themselves and evaluate their reason. When giving up starts to feel like an option, I have found that evaluating my ‘why’ does one of two things. It inspires me to continue building or highlights Nu directions that I have the freedom to explore. For me, this guidance is found in stillness, journaling and meditation. Read more>>

Takiyah Denise | Curve Model & Popular Social Media Influencer

I have found myself in many spots like this. Throughout my whole life it felt like this. Where I was going through different difficulties of being judged. I wasn’t small enough, light skin enough, pretty enough etc. I was judged for my looks more than anything and that made it very hard for me to be confident within myself. Made it hard to even keep going with certain things I wanted to do. Like being in the fashion industry. Read more>>

Trap Travi | Independent Artist

I keep going for the ones who can’t anymore. For all the fallen angels who didn’t get to make it this far. I keep going because this is my passion and why would I stop now ? If you love something put your all into it even if you feel like your not getting the results your looking for at first. I know I can’t give up, because if I give up I’ll be giving up on myself. Read more>>

Tahj A. Vaughans | Actor, Barber, Entrepreneur & much more

We take risks everyday when going out, trying new things, taking on daily challenges, etc. I see risk as part of everyday life. Some decisions to take certain risks weigh heavier than others, but they work all the same. “What do you want?” “How bad do yo want it?” “What are you willing to do to get it WITHOUT compromising your identity and/or integrity?” These are questions that I am often faced with, and I would assume we all are. Read more>>

JaShanna Graves | Author | Speaker | Coach | Talk Show/Podcast Host & Owner

Before I dive into my answer, let’s check out some definitions. Risk – the possibility that something unpleasant or unwelcome will happen. | the possibility of financial loss. | a situation involving exposure to danger. Synonyms: Put on the line, chance, fear, and or hope. Read more>>

Joel Mckibben | Fashion Designer

When it comes to business you have to understand it. Understand that business is never steady. It’s filled with ups and downs. Never get discouraged when you’re low. Instead take that time to brainstorm. Come up with new marketing strategies, new ideas and products. I don’t believe in giving up. Especially if you’re passionate about it. I love having a clothing line. Gives me an opportunity to express my creative side through fashion. I have fun! Read more>>

Sebastian Gabriel | Violinist

We all have to take risks in life. Being an artist takes a lot of time, effort, and sometimes that doesn’t mean immediate success, but if you’re doing what you love, your moment to shine will come and if you’ve been working hard for that moment, you’ll be ready for it. I have had to make important decisions in my career that have ended in financial and relationship problems in order to follow my dreams, but in the end all the effort it was worth it. Read more>>

Monye Tucker | Athlete/Martial Artist/Brand Owner

You’re going to take a risk one day whether it’s big or small regardless we all are going to take one. Whose to say if I didn’t take a risk I wouldn’t be here to share my story now? I’ve taken a lot of risks on this journey some moves set me back but some moves also took me to my next level. I don’t regret any move I made this far. Read more>>

Ulrich Mannchen | Co-founder of Live As Lions: Photographer & Life Coach

What comes to my mind with this question is a drawing I found one day and had to laugh about. It was a piece of paper with a circle drawn, and “comfort zone” was written in the circle. The rest of the paper was blank, except for the words “where the magic happens,” written outside of the circle. I actually printed it out and hung it in my office. However, I can recall that my laugh was a gallows laugh. Because, frankly, it was not funny. Read more>>

Cherie Antoinette | Writer I Producer I Director I Travel Nurse

Risk taking has lead me to my ultimate rewards. So often, we want people, companies, consumers to go all in on us when we haven’t invested in ourselves first. Belief will fuel your strategic risk taking. The more you believe in your vision and mission, or whatever you are selling- the more likely you are to take bigger risk. We don’t bet on ourselves enough which is unfortunate. It goes back to trusting yourself and knowing your worth. People will call you crazy. Let them. They are seeing with only their eyes, but vision is formed through perception. Read more>>

DJ Kno It All | DJ, Radio Personality

Well taking risk is apart of being an entrepreneur. They say you have to take big risk to get big rewards. Im more of a calculated risk taker though. I always did things young, as far as DJ’ing in clubs I wasn’t of age, or being in the music business and being the youngest in my field. Some of my risk have payed off and some haven’t, that’s just part of the game. Even now I’m transitioning for radio DJ To Radio personality. Read more>>

AJ Booker | Business Development Manager

Risk taking is probably one of the most important things when it comes to business. Everyone knows the saying “with no risk there is no reward” and I feel like that’s a very true statement. But i wouldn’t just take that statement and run with it. The only risk I am willing to take are calculated risks. When you take risks without doing the proper research is when you usually get burned. I know this from experience. I’ve taken risks in business that didn’t all turn out the way i wanted them to because i was too eager. But now everything is well researched, thought out, and planned with steps to execute.. Read more>>


To me risk are like stepping stones to greatness. Nothing great in our reality was ever conceived through taking the safe route. Taking risk in my opinion has fueled ever game changing invention, idea, an business known to man. I also feel when one is creating something that is unusual to the masses; taking risk is a key component that must be mastered. On my journey taking risk has shaped me in ways I could never have imagined. It built tenacity an gave me the wherewithal to block out all naysayers. Read more>>

Nadia Butterfield | Model and Actress

In the world of modeling and acting, you HAVE to take risks. I think of risks through the known saying, “No risk, no reward.” In order to see some sort of progress, you need to be able to take a risk. Big or small, putting yourself in an uncomfortable situation may be the best thing that could happen to you. You honestly never know until you try. Read more>>

Danay Nazaire | Wife, Mom, Daughter, Photographer

Safety is a beautiful thing, and sometimes something we take for granted. For most of my life, I have probably aired on the side of caution. But I think I’m currently making up for lost time, as risks and I have become pretty well acquainted as of late. Some risks by my own doing and some not. Taking risks can be uncomfortable, and rather scary. Read more>>

Jessica Harvin | Master Cosmetologist

I think risk taking in life is necessary. We have these desires in our heart to be something great and at some point we have to believe in our self and follow that desire. Once I truly learned to trust God and believe in my dreams, taking a risk was easy. Read more>>

Tokyo West | Hairstylist/ fashion designer

Taking risk should’ve been my first name. Every business venture I ever pursued was me stepping out on faith and excepting the process. I have realized on this journey that building your business or brand is not over night it takes restless nights, going through bank accounts, making errors learning and correcting them. Your time is coming just stay consistent I promise. Read more>>

Shuntavia Ruffin | Entrepreneur

Running a business always comes with some sort of challenges, but you have to stay positive. I have learned that planning ahead is a must, and it’s never too early to start planning, which helps to keep your business organized. I would say that one of the greatest lessons I have learned is to always follow your own policies as it helps customers to know what to expect. Read more>>