We had the good fortune of connecting with Melanie L. Denny and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Melanie L., how has your perspective on work-life balance evolved over time?
When I first started out in my business, I was young, single and kid free. I had all the time in the world to focus on growing my business. I would stay up ‘til the wee hours of the night researching and strategizing. Although I was juggling a full time job (sales calls at lunch/client emails between meetings) life was simple…work, business, socializing. Now…10 years later, I have a husband, a 7 year old and a set of 2 year old twins. It’s definitely a challenge balancing being a wife, mom and business owner – not to mention make time for myself and hang out with friends. When I was pregnant with the twins, I fell into a slump and once they were born, that spiraled into postpartum depression. Not to mention, my oldest son was having a hard time in school and we decided to homeschool him. Business took a back seat and I hated myself for not being able to handle it all. The twins are two years old now and I’m still trying to find my new groove. Most days it seems impossible. But, I somehow get through it. Luckily I made the absolute best decision when I married my husband. I would be a wreck if he wasn’t here with me in the trenches day in and day out. The key is having a game plan every single day. Otherwise it will be bedtime and you won’t know what happened to your day. Maintaining a good balance is important and I struggle because I don’t want to fail at anything. I want to be the best wife, the best mom and the best entrepreneur. What I realized is without a set schedule and allocation of time, one WILL suffer. It’s still a work in progress and I’m working on showing myself grace for continually pushing myself to do more. I have big goals and they won’t come easy.

What should our readers know about your business?
My first business is Resume-Evolution, a premiere resume writing service that also offers LinkedIn profile optimization and training as well as national resume distribution. We take pride in showcasing our clients’ skills, expertise and value both online and on paper, so they get hired for the higher paying positions they deserve. What’s unique about R-E is my signature L.I.V.E! (TM) Resume System which is designed to not only make employers drool but pass the 6-second test so you actually get calls for positions you want. Our resumes Look good, are Intentional, Value-based and Enticing. This approach ensures a self-marketing package that meets today’s standards and addresses all of the most common problems: What sets me apart is actually something I saw as a hindrance before. I wasn’t a previous recruiter or HR manager like many of my colleagues. My story is a lot different and although I’ve never necessarily climbed the corporate ladder myself (it just wasn’t for me), I’m damn good at helping others sell themselves. I help others see themselves as more. So, this is not just a job for me. It’s a mission and my purpose and that fire attracts my tribe to me.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
My husband hands down has been in my corner from day #1!

Website: Melaniedenny.com
Instagram: @careercoachmelanieldenny
Linkedin: LinkedIn.com/in/melanieldenny
Twitter: @melanieldenny
Facebook: Facebook.com/melaniedennycareercoach