We had the good fortune of connecting with Xzaye and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Xzaye, what role has risk played in your life or career?
I think the theme of my Journey up until this point is, Risk. Taking risks to become a full time artist/creative, as well as a successful entrepreneur all in one whether it’s risk of Time, money, relationships, emotions, etc. has been the most difficult challenge of my life., as well as the most fulfilling, but it’s not for the weak of heart.

My life’s work is to build the Xemplified Brand around my skill and talent as an artist. My dream is to touch the hearts of the world through music , through speech, through film, and through authenticity, and I Will not stop until that goal is fulfilled. I believe in ME, and I believe my artistry is my calling.

I think the biggest part of risk taking is Your faith!! Do you believe like you say you do?? Are you willing to make tough sacrifices with the reality of losing it all and having to start over?? Are even willing to start over and build yourself back up?? How many times are you willing to hit “rock bottom”
(Or what you might think is rock bottom) ,and start over before you give up?? Personally, I will bet on myself 10 out of 10 times because I believe in myself, and I KNOW what I have to offer the world as an artist as well as a person, and that’s Greatness , In every aspect.

I think a lot of times people see their dreams before they understand what it really takes to reach those dreams. We see our idols on their pedestals without knowing the Lows it took for them to reach those heights. I often find myself obsessed with listening to my favorite artists/business minds interviews and really breaking down their journey and struggles along the way , and find inspiration in how a lot of the times their experiences align with mine.

But that’s the next part of risk taking … preparation. One of my favorite quotes in life is “Preperation meets opportunity”. A lot of times the opportunity we want has not presented itself because we’re not quite ready for it yet. We still have work to do , we’re still developing and learning, so that when the stars align and the opportunity presents itself we’re prepared to take full advantage. It’s Key to understand your “why?” On this journey. If your in it for the fame and fortune, you will fold when things don’t go your way 9/10 times. If your in it because you have a passion for what you do, have the talent/hustle, and belive in what your doing with all of your heart.. the sky is the limit.

Am I guaranteed to become the biggest artist in the world? Nope !! Not at ALL . Actually The odds are against me no matter WHAT I do, but I’m CRAZY enough to continue to pursue my dream and take any RISK necessary because the one time I don’t may be the opportunity I missed to make it all GO. It only takes one moment to change everything , good or bad. You must pursue your ambitions with NO FEAR.

The thing I think I struggle with the most on this journey (& I’m sure a lot of other creatives feel the same way) is motivation. Staying motivated when those risks you took didnt work out the way you hoped & prayed they would time and time again. You almost have to trick your mind over and over to get that motivation and fire back which is why you “why?” is so important. It’s ok to be down and upset, but you MUST pick yourself back up and dust yourself off and get back to work. If your all in the way you claim to be, then eventually you won’t be able to function right or stay away from your passion. It has to be apart of you.

In order to do anything great in this life it takes risk. Everybody is not willing to take risks and put themselves in uncomfortable situations with no guarantee of success, and that’s why MOST will not make it. I pray that whoever comes across these words of mine are inspired by them, and if I can be a blessing to others to keep going towards their dreams and not be afraid to take that next RISK to take the next step in their journey, I’m happy with that, because that’s part of my “Why?”. I hope to see ya at the top!!


Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
I’m a music artist from Atlanta Georgia & I make hip-hop/rap/rnb music (like everyone else lol). But I do it better. Wayyy better ; ). There is only one me, and I think I’ve mastered the art of taking who I am,and my experiences and putting it into music form that makes people feel good. I don’t like to really talk about why I’m “this or that”? Or what makes me different from everyone else. I try to make it evident to people by listening to the music and by seeing the visuals and presentation.

I just released a new project called “Fire Sign” & I’m sooooo proud of this album. It took me a couple years to complete it because I really wanted it to be authentic and be a solid representation of who I am, and show my versatility as an artist. The cover art is a remake of Minnie Ripertons “Adventures in paradise” Album from 1975 & Like her i was able to shoot with a REAL lion (no cap lol). A lot of up and coming artists choose the single method as trying to spark a buzz on one song, but i prefer putting out bodies of work for two reasons. #1, there’s no way you can communicate a true identity as an artist off one song, in fact, a lot of times when a single blows up it becomes bigger than the artist because there’s nothing of substance for the listener to follow up with after the new artist is discovered thus making it easy for labels to take advantage of an artist with one “hot song” instead of an artist with a whole identity/brand/catalog attached to it & #2 we live in a streaming society now , so it’s easy for songs from yearssss ago to seem brand new to the audience when an artist first pops off , if you make music that people can connect with it will never die, and that’s why ownership is soooo important for artists moving forward. If you have a great catalog of music, the numbers only Go Up which means more opportunity for longevity & ultimately more money in your pocket.

I’ve hit millions of streams on DSP’s, I’ve gone on tours in different countries, I’ve gotten co-signs from some of my favorites growing up, but I still feel like I am JUST really scratching the surface with this. I’ve had some success, and I’ve hit some goals , but I crave MORE. More success, more goals, and more life to be checked off the list on this journey.

As an independent entrepreneur/artist. NOTHING has been easy and NOTHING has been given to me. I don’t even think I would want it if it was, it’s taken a lot of hard work, a lot of faith, a lot of RISK, and a lot of self belief. You must be your biggest fan (not all the time , cause we all struggle) but most the time. Make sure the ppl in your circle encourage you as well, and lift you up when your not “feeling it”. REAL Support from the people closest to us is important.

It takes a lot of time and experience to become a real artist, and it’s not for the weak. Stay down, and stay focused until you come up , and make sure you bring the ones that were there for you , up with you.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
The way my social meter is set up I don’t know about a week long itinerary lol, but If you come to Atlanta and want to have a good time, and reallyyy understand the culture of the city from the music side, all while getting some good food in the process, we’re going to the strip club lol *shrugs* , and it’s not even about the girls dancing more than it is the music and the atmosphere. It’s second to non and you won’t get it until you experience it. We’re all adults here lol

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
Shoutout to everyone that supports me now , and to all the new friends that will discover me and support in the future. I’m thankful and blessed for you ALL.

Website: Xzaye.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Xzaye/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Xzaye_

Youtube: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=W9Ouo0mUBuE

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.