We had the good fortune of connecting with Tiania Rae and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Tiania, how do you think about risk?
I think risk is necessary at times. In my opinion, how I look at risk is the same way as how I would look at having faith. It’s something that you have no way of knowing how it’s going to play out but you’re believing whole heartedly that by stepping out on risk or on faith that something positive will come out of doing so. Now you may run into a lot of roadblocks and experience turbulence along the way but even with all of the obstacles that we face during taking risks and or having faith we always grow through what we go through.

The role of taking risk played a huge part of my life when God finally gave me the green light to quit my job at the post office for 7 years. Mind you, this was a decision that I’ve always wanted to make for years, I was so unhappy, unfulfilled, depressed and cried so many times because I just knew it was so much more to my life but never knew at the time what that was. Anyways, so when that time came. I was super excited and so ready to be done with that job!

Furthermore, if you know anything about God when he gives you a “glimpse” of instructions he does not always give you the full picture. So, when God mentioned to me that it was ok for me to quit, and I did, he did not give me further instructions. You can imagine how I must have felt. “Like, ok God, we out here, now what?” Crickets…

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
I’m a certified life coach, writer and speaker. I encourage and help aspiring individuals overcome obstacles that prevent them from  reaching their goals by gaining clarity, creating structure, and implementing strategies so they can continue to become the best version of themselves.

I believe what sets me apart from others is that this is something that I’ve personally experienced for a very long time in my life, it’s what kept me stagnant from being who I truly was in the world. So being able to help someone else break that same cycle of stagnation, and gain clarity on their roadblocks, so they can continue to strive towards success will always be something rewarding to me.

I get excited to breathe life into the ideas that give people a fresh perspective on how they can tackle the very obstacles that they may be experiencing in their life. Also, the way they light up when they implement those very ideas and see positive results.

I got to where I am today by stepping out on faith, quitting my job, not having a clue on what to do next for 7 to 8 months. Getting to know God more which led me to getting to know myself more and what his purpose for my life was. This was DEFINITELY NOT EASY which God explained to me when he gave me the green light. He said, Yes, quit! ” It’s not going to be easy, but it’s not impossible.” Oooh baby.. was he on to something! I overcame the challenges by really getting a better understanding of who God was. “I know, not the most popular response for that” but that’s how I gained clarity, wisdom, insight, understanding, and guidance. He was the one who gave a fresh perspective and a new set of eyes so that I could start looking at my situation as an opportunity to become the best version of myself.

The lessons I’ve learned is that once you change your perspective and open yourself up outside of your regular thought process, you become more aware of the opportunities that starts to appear in your life,  or maybe they’ve always been there, but because you’ve now allowed yourself to open up they become more visible or vibrant to the eye.

I want the world to know that whatever it is that you feel passionate about no matter how small, medium or large that passion is. Never let yourself or anyone else dim your light, or make you feel like what you bring to the world is insignificant. I say this, because the enemy made me believe what I did so naturally, which was to speak life into people by encouraging and motivating them, was so inadequate. Therefore, it led me to become stagnant within my purpose. Understand that your gift, talents, or whatever it is that you’re passionate about is a solution to a problem that’s needed in the world. We need you! So go all in and be great!

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
My favorite spot is this restaurant called Moxies, in Houston. I love the atmosphere and it’s by the Galleria Mall. I would also take them to Buffalo bayou park to enjoy the scenery and trails.

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
God, for giving me the green light and always strategically working everything together for my good. My mother, Joy, supported my decision to quit the post office and bought me an amazing iMac desktop for my business because she got tired of seeing me struggle on my old laptop. “lol” My sister Brandi always encouraged me when I felt so alone and lost about entrepreneurship and getting me back aligned. My spiritual life coach and mentor Latoya Okiea, for always speaking life into me, empowering me and giving clarity on how to fully work the gifts God has given me.

Instagram: @Tianiarae

YouTube: https://youtube.com/@TianiaRae?si=ERYSWSj-uDXjOQyN

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.