We had the good fortune of connecting with Taylor Avonté and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Taylor, we’d love for you to start things off by telling us something about your industry that we and others not in the industry might be unaware of?
One thing about trying to make a name for yourself in this music industry especially being an independent artist is staying consistent number one. Also as harsh as it may sound, actually branding yourself as a product. What will make you stand out apart from your talents? What’s going to be YOUR thing that the consumers are going to grasp. You have to have something that grabs people’s attention. It can be your personality, your look, your style, even something you say all the time, maybe it’s something in your music. This industry comes with a lot and I mean A LOT of work and artist development. It’s always a “What’s next?” kind of thing.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
I am so excited for everyone to hear the new tracks that I am releasing soon. It’s exciting to hear the growth in my voice and tone. I am super proud of myself for not giving up on my dream even through tough times. its so easy to throw the towel in. It was not a breeze getting to where I am today. I had so many jumps and hurdles but I am grateful for all of the obstacles because I did nothing but learn from those. It made me a better business woman and artist.

Staying prayed up is a huge reason I overcame my challenges.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Im a low-key type of person. I like more intimate settings. I don’t enjoy being around HUGE crowds so my ideal fun day out would be going to a nice restaurant with a nice view. Trying new foods on the menu. Maybe try a vegan bakery or a healthy spot. Those type of things excite me.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I want to shout out to everyone at “The Recording House ”. A HUGE shout to Ty, a song writer that I work with. He is so talented! His pen is out of this world. Shout out to my producer Cherry; he pretty much produced every song I have. Shout out to my voice coach Kayla. She is truly amazing and she does not play about me and these vocals. She has stretched my vocal cords so much. A big shout out to Nell who is the owner of the Recording House. He has given us a place to develop our talents and crafts unlimitedly. I am forever grateful for my team. We all learned so much from each other and it is truly a blessing to be around so many genuine talented people. Shout to God for the GIFT! BIGGEST SHOUT to my mom. She always supports me and goes super hard for me and believes in me the most.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/taylor_avonte/

Twitter: Taylor_Avonte

Facebook: Taylor Avonté

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEHaiWJC-HzEVSghHUvKkcw

Other: TikTok: Taylor_Avonte

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