We had the good fortune of connecting with Tania Arora and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Tania, what was your thought process behind starting your own business?
I was an introverted kid. And when I say introvert, I mean in a way that I could barely speak up. Everyone in my family or people in my circle was highly competitive. I remember being in gatherings where elders who were successful with their kids would sit and brag about their achievements. Even though I was academically outstanding, I wasn’t doing anything that would set me apart. Due to a lack of confidence, I couldn’t even share my bare minimum achievements.

Multiple times, I was put in the spotlight and asked what I was doing or what have I achieved. I had nothing to say. Even if I did, I couldn’t. Over the years, the resentment kept building up. And it would crush my confidence even more.

I remember this exact time, which I would never forget. I was in grade eleven. I went to drop off one of my close family members at the airport. I saw so many students leaving the country to go study. I could see and feel the shine in their eyes and the pride their parents felt. I saw people going on vacations with so many bags, all excited. I wanted to be the one entering the gate. But I couldn’t.

I realized two important things that day. If I want that luxurious life, I need money. And yes, I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth, so I need to earn it.

Either I can come to pick up or drop off people here or can be the one taking flights and living the life I have always wanted.

When I reached home that night, I went straight to my room and started studying. My dad came to my room wondering what am I doing at 1 a.m. He asked me to go to sleep. I remember telling him, “Dad, one day, I will go abroad to study, and I want you to come and drop me off.”

The rest is history.

No matter what job I take up, I will always have a bar at the income. But if I want to live a lavish life, I can only afford that if I have something of my own running successfully. At that point, I did not know what I would be doing, but I knew for sure that I would be doing something.

Years later, I finally started my marketing agency, Alta Creative, to support startups and growing businesses with customized marketing needs and provide consultations. I am not selling a basic marketing package to everyone. Since every business is different, their demographic is different, so their approach must be targeted, too. Many people have the ideas but need the know-how to market their products or services.

Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
What sets me apart from others is that I do not just bring one skill to the table; I bring multiple. And I would give this one to my dad. While growing up, I saw that most of my friend’s parents would push them completely either toward academics or arts if they knew they did not want to pursue academics. But my dad always taught me to be an all-rounder. He would encourage me to give my 100% at everything, irrespective of the results. And while I thoroughly enjoyed that, I excelled in academics, arts and sports.

That trait carried on till my adolescence. I went on to pursue my graduation in business. I thought finance would be an ideal career path as I was good with numbers. But while seeking the same, I realized it wasn’t my cup of tea. As it did not let me implement my creativity.

Also, I still needed to fight my fear of communication and lack of confidence. I took two of the most drastic steps of my life. First, I applied for a job as a server because this is the only profession that requires you to effectively communicate. Second, I enrolled for a degree in professional communications.

My life turned 180 degrees. I am so proud of myself for finally taking that step. IT WASN’T EASY. But it was worth it.

I knew I wanted to be different, so while doing my post-graduation, I also enrolled in a university media certificate. Yes, like everyone else, I was doing a part-time job at a restaurant to cover my expenses, but that wouldn’t set me apart from everyone. So, I also started working at a newspaper. Basically, I was going to college and university and working to pay for my basics and gain experience in the field I wanted to build my life in. I studied and did multiple internships in marketing during COVID-19. I took up so many online courses to learn about the subject.

It was crazy! But I wouldn’t have any other way. Because after graduation, while everyone started working from the entry-level position, I was offered to be a manager for a startup.

If there is anything I want the world to know about my story, I would like to be known as “Audacieux,” a French word that means bold in English. It was also my first tattoo.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
Vancouver is one of the most breathtaking cities in the world and offers many experiences for visitors. If someone were fortunate enough to be exploring this city with me, they’d quickly realize my passion for discovering new places and making the most of unique experiences.

Our journey would begin with a scenic drive along the famed Sea-to-Sky Highway, a route that genuinely lives up to its name. I’ll frequently stop at mesmerizing viewpoints as we wind our way from Vancouver to Whistler. One such gem is the quaint Fergies cafe nestled amidst the lush woods alongside a tranquil water stream. It’s the perfect spot for a delightful breakfast or lunch, surrounded by the beauty of nature.

For an entirely different experience, we’d venture to the opposite end of Vancouver – Harrison Hot Springs. Here, we’d rent a speed boat and set sail into the vast expanse of the sea. With the cool wind in our hair and the stunning coastal landscape all around, it’s an exhilarating adventure.

Since city views are a must, we can’t miss the opportunity to ascend Cypress Mountain Park and Burnaby Mountain Park, where we can soak in panoramic views of the entire city.

As the sun sets, Vancouver’s vibrant nightlife beckons. We’d explore the lively bars and restaurants in the Commercial Drive area and along Main Street. These spots offer diverse culinary delights and entertainment options, ensuring a memorable evening in the city.

A visit to Vancouver would only be complete with a trip to North Vancouver’s Lonsdale Quay. It’s one of my personal favourite hangout spots, and I’d eagerly share it with our visitors. We’d explore the bustling marketplace, savour delicious bites from local vendors, and catch a breathtaking sunset over the water and the city skyline.

To cap off our adventure, we’d venture to one of the local breweries in North Vancouver. Here, we could enjoy a cold beer while gazing at the shimmering waters and the city’s twinkling lights.

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
Life’s myriad experiences, whether they bring joy or pose challenges, have played a crucial role in shaping me into the resilient and adaptable person I am today. These experiences have toughened me, like forging a rock.

Every incident and every person I’ve encountered has imparted a valuable lesson. My dad taught me the unwavering virtues of resilience and consistency. Regardless of life’s hardships, he was the embodiment of persistence, faithfully waking up each morning and heading to work. I never witnessed him giving in or putting his duties on the back burner. While not every day shone brightly, he pressed on, teaching me the true meaning of dedication.

My mother’s support, though often tough love, was the driving force behind my education. I may have found her stern sometimes, but as they say, you must strike the iron to extract the metal within. Just as forging requires precise blows of a hammer on an anvil, my mother’s guidance and discipline moulded me into a strong individual.

My schooling experience was another stroke of luck. I was fortunate to have incredible teachers who played pivotal roles in my journey. Each one of them contributed to my growth and development.

One memorable instance was in eighth grade when I aspired to participate in a debate competition. Though I possessed strong speaking skills, I needed more confidence to address a crowd. For days, one of my teachers patiently mentored and practiced with me. While I didn’t clinch the top position, I secured second place, a significant achievement for me then.

Books have been my constant companions, never judgmental and always welcoming. One book, in particular, reshaped my entire perspective a few years back: “The Myth of the Nice Girl” by Fran Hauser. One quote from the book struck me like lightning: “I decide who I am.” Its empowering message resonated so deeply with me that I had it inked onto my chest. Every morning, as I stand before the mirror, I’m reminded that I hold the power to shape my identity – a reminder that fuels my journey as an entrepreneur, where I continue to decide who I am, guided by the lessons from every experience and every person who has touched my life.

Website: www.taniaarora.com

Instagram: @tania.arora.official

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aroratania/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tania.arora.14/

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.