We had the good fortune of connecting with Silvia ‘Punkin’ Mathis and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Silvia ‘Punkin’, what are you inspired by?
I love your question. Discussing what inspires me rather than what motivates me is refreshing, as there is, I believe, a distinct difference between the two.

Motivation can stem from external or fear-based factors. It can be temporary and fluctuate as it is not internally driven. On the other hand, inspiration is a force that comes from within. It is the divine essence that moves us to create, evolve, endure, and stand firm. Inspiration remains steadfast even when motivation wavers.

So, what inspires me?

1. Kindness is a great source of inspiration for me., in all its manifestations.
2. Self-development practices like prayer, meditation, and EFT (emotional freedom techniques).
4. A captivating book or piece of music.
5. Laughter – genuine and unbridled expressions of joy!
6. The great courage, fortitude, strength, kindness, creativity, brilliance, and love of my Native, West Indian, and Scots Irish ancestors inspire me
7. The sensation of a spiritual, intuitive spark from the Holy Spirit also inspires me.

My greatest inspiration comes from helping others find their inspiration.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
To understand what I do, you must first understand why I do it. I will again lean into a quote from one of my favorite authors. “Regardless of WHAT we do in our lives, our WHY—our driving purpose, cause or belief—never changes.” -Simon Sinek.

My ‘why’ inspires me when I feel motivated and when I don’t. My driving purpose, essential cause, and core belief supersede my lack of motivation, will, and where-with-all, pushing past perceived and real obstacles.

Why do I do what I do? That’s easy. I am here to inspire, encourage, educate, and empower people through the ethos of kindness. That is my ‘why.’ It never changes. It is who I am.

What I am most proud of is a moving target. I don’t know what sets me apart. I don’t think about it that way. I only compete with myself, never with anyone or anything else. For me, it isn’t about being the ‘best.’ It’s about always getting better. Getting better is an eternal progression while being the best is temporary.

“Leadership requires two things: a vision of the world that does not yet exist and the ability to communicate it.” -Simon Sinek.

I am not interested in being ‘The Boss’ or simply having my name on the dressing room door, the building, or in lights. All those things are great and feel good, but I am more interested in demonstrating leadership. To me, that means clearly articulating the vision of a world where the power of kindness is evident in everyday life, intentional kindness is the norm, and inspiring the same in others.

I launched Punkin Studios to produce and share work I believe in with everyone, everywhere! My company, brand, and artistry exist for expressing, creating, and curating inspiring and thought-provoking content.

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
That depends on where I am. My kids call me Carmen Sandiego! LOL!

It would depend solely on what they wanted or needed from the visit. Since they are visiting me, I would cater the experiences to them.

Some options, no matter where I am in the country, are:

1. A Spa Day (On me!) Mani/Pedi, Facial, Massage, Body Wraps, the works!

2. Hit the Gym!

3. I rarely go out to eat unless I am invited or traveling, but there are several carnivore-friendly vegan places that I would love to take them to. I would be just as happy to prepare a vegan feast at home.

4. Visit my favorite Coffee and Tea joints for an afternoon pick-me-up.

5. Catch a movie – in an IMAX Theater!

6. See a Show – Theater, Music, Concert, Hit an Art Gallery, etc…

7. Host a dinner party to introduce them to my local peeps.

8. Hang out at the house and catch up.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I won’t be able to fully answer this question due to the limitations of this format, but I will try.

One of my favorite authors, Wallace D. Wattles, once said, “Because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude. Many people who order their lives rightly in all other ways are kept in poverty by their lack of gratitude. You cannot exercise much power without gratitude; for it is gratitude that keeps you connected with Power.”

As I write this on July 21, 2023, the eve of my mother’s eighty-fourth birthday, I reflect on the most influential people in my life: my parents, Maye Catherine, and Sylvester Mathis, Jr. Though they have passed away, their impact on me remains. They taught me to love God, myself, books, art, music, and travel. To be kind and generous, to always do the right thing, to have faith, and accept all people, regardless of cultural, ethnic, or spiritual differences.

I have remained open-minded, continued to grow, deepened my faith, explored my creativity, and embraced eternal optimism – the belief that there is always light, even in the darkest times, because of them.

Some of the books that had the greatest influence on me include “The Bible,” “Find Your Why” and “The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek,” “The Tapping Solution” by Nick Ortner, “Practicing The Power of Now” by Eckart Tolle, “Living Untethered” by Mickey Singer, “Life 101; Everything I wished I’d learned in school but didn’t.” by Peter McWilliams, “A Raisin In The Sun” by Lorraine Hansbury. “I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings” by Maya Angelo.

“The Science of Getting Rich, Being Great, and Winning Love” by Wallace D. Wattles has been particularly transformative, teaching me the importance of doing things in “a certain way.”

I’m grateful to many, many people who have shaped my life in countless ways, including my children – Amber & Ashley, Christian, and Isaiah – who are at the core of my “Why”; my husband, Mitchell, for his unwavering and unconditional love; my first acting teacher, George Harnish, who taught me to never dim my lights; my current life and acting coach, Amy Jo Berman, who inspires me every day; Gwendolyn Jackson, who has always believed in me and figured out a way to get things done, no matter what the ‘ask’; my new management team at Sandstone Artists, Tammy, and Jamie, who get it and get me; Kevin Nicklaus, my true friend; and Toni Judkins, who decided, “You, Sil. You are the one!” and acted on it.

I’m grateful to the many people who have loved, encouraged, prayed for and supported me. It’s impossible to name them all, but they have all significantly shaped who I am today. I hope this answer does justice to the depth of my gratitude. This moment means so much to me.

Other: Here’s my Linktree. Everything is here. 🙂 https://linktr.ee/silviamathis

Image Credits
Angelo Riley , Ginger McNamara

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