We had the good fortune of connecting with Savannah Samples and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Savannah, do you have a budget?
Yes! I have an evergreen budget. A budget should always be a live document. Life ebbs and flows, and the budget should reflect this. I update my budget at least quarterly, both for the company and my home.

I have been in business for almost 9 years and have failed many, many times. One thing I would go back and change is not taking care of myself. I sacrificed my bills, my credit, and my obligations to make sure my business and team were taken care of. I’ve heard from many investors, worried about me taking care of them if they invest as they see (on paper) I don’t take care of myself- ouch! I always thought as long as my business is above water, I can figure out the rest. I’m unlearning and relearning to prioritize my health, finances, and lifestyle decisions. I have to be healthy in order for my company to be healthy. If I’m always sick or not sleeping or getting behind on payments, this will eventually bleed into my company.

Always take care of yourself. Get at least 7 hours of sleep every night. Eat your veggies. Join a workout class you love, even if that’s a calendar hold for escaping into nature. Keep your budget updated.

Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
Hailo™ is a relationship-based, ongoing support service that tackles the weekly to-do list in your home. The traditional household is changing- wives and moms are taking pride in their careers, dads are taking on more of the home workload, and individuals are focusing on their health and their communities. Several households struggle with keeping up with the day-to-day tasks. This pours over into their career and their relationships which creates stress and chaos and affects their performance. How do they get all of this done? Delegation!

In 2014, I started nannying for two families to get through college, and realized that I wasn’t really watching kids a lot of the time. I was going to the grocery store, organizing the linen closet, unloading the dryer, and a variety of other tasks around the home. I noticed the relief in the homes after I began helping get the daily tasks done. People trusted me, they loved coming home with no to-do list, and they started focusing more on their health, their marriages, their kids, their careers, and their communities. I did some research and realized there wasn’t a service that catered to these households, so I decided to create my own!

Hailo exists to better society. It exists to support mental and emotional health in your home. Our clients have a reliable and trustworthy right-hand to tackle the ongoing list of monotonous tasks: laundry, dishes, tidying, organization, meal prep, errands, childcare, and animal care. Our clients have stressed the fact that they love forming a relationship with their Angel. You have the same person on the same schedule to provide predictability and ongoing support. Since each client is individually catered to, we take away the “stiffness” in outsourcing. Clients don’t have the burden of providing a full-time income to an individual as all Angels are fractional.

I have used these past almost 9 years to focus on clients, hire intentionally, and join accelerators for mentorship and exposure AND still own 100% of a profitable business. I now have people helping me manage that have either been an Angel or been a client. People have seen what we have built, believe in it, and come back to be apart of what we are doing in society.

I’ve been a single female entrepreneur while gaining my college degree, being a public school teacher, and eventually dipping my toes in the corporate realm. I have used all of this experience to become a better business owner and want anyone thinking they don’t have the money or resources to start a business to stop thinking that. If it’s your calling, it will work out. God will provide the people and the money. Just do it, and don’t give up.

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
Oh man, I don’t know if I want to give the real answer because I have a few sacred places around Atlanta that I keep to myself. Haha

I will say that if we had this ATL Beltline when I was in college, it would’ve been lit. These GSU/GT/AUC kids don’t realize how blessed they are. You can hop on anywhere along the beltline and have something to do. It keeps you active and busy and the best part- it’s free! That alone can keep you busy for the whole weekend.

Atlanta is amazing because you have everything but a beach here. You just have to make the decision to get outside!

A sacred place I go with my friends is the Lake Claire Community Land Trust. Special place, special grounds, special people. Doll’s Head Trail is an oldie but goodie, too.

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
I’m a member of a business small group of women that meets biweekly. We were required to dedicate time and finances to this group. This structure naturally invites people who are committed to their businesses and want to improve. This group has been a safe space for exposing my pain points, crying through financial struggles, stressing over growth, and celebrating wins. You need to find your tribe as an entrepreneur, specifically a solopreneur. Life can get LONELY. I’ve had several days where I did not want to die but didn’t want to be alive. I needed people who I could express that to and not be pushed with self help books or psychiatrists. Sometimes, you just need to release. Find your tribe you can release to and release with.

We are halfway through our dedicated group, and I can confidently say I am a new business owner. I have a fresh perspective with less pressure and a support system who is there for my mountains and my valleys. I have people to call on for referral and for advice.

Find. Your. Tribe. It will keep you alive in all the best ways.

Website: https://www.hailohouse.com

Instagram: @hailohouse

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/hailohouse

Facebook: https://www.fb.com/hailohouse

Other: Podcast launches on Spotify October 1, 2024!

Image Credits
Angie + Co
Judd Redmond, Headshot

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.