Meet Sasha V. | Singer, Songwriter, Actress, Vocal Actress, Entrepreneur, Artist.

We had the good fortune of connecting with Sasha V. and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Sasha, have there been any changes in how you think about work-life balance?
Haha! Oh so much. and it is the question i ask myself everyday. I’d like to say i found balance over the time since making the decision to be fully invested in my Art , but i would be lying. Everyday comes with different obstacles no matter how big or small and finding that Balance for me has become more of a mental thing . It’s more of finding a peace of mind in whatever i put myself into. I could be working on a project for a week and if at any chance i feel stressed or mentally drained i simply put it to the side and find something else to get into that brings me that peace and balance while still adding it to my calendar to make time for what i put aside.
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
Being a Singer, songwriter is one of my first Loves of so many. I Never knew Music/the arts would be such a major part of my life years down the line. from being accused to plagiarizing poems in the 4th grade, to my Music Teacher Ms. Ostrowski putting me in school plays, state choirs , church choirs,church plays and a lot of my family egging me to be in Talent shows as a child. It never really dawned on me that everything i did then would play a major part of who i am now and continue to strive to be.
Life is hard. It isn’t ll peaches & cream and mind you me, I’ve seen how the industry treats some people and it make me wonder all the time Why i still try. At times i’ve wanted to give up on the ” scene”. but when you love something so much it is one of the hardest things to let go. As a person that likes to be comfortable and make others comfortable it’s the thought of knowing that some people out there will simply not like you just because they don’t. and that to me probably has been one of the hardest things i’ve had to get over . Trusting oneself and not Caring about the criticism that comes with what you enjoy doing can be tough but if you believe it, you can achieve it. And i for one choice Me, my story and give myself a pat on the back for pushing through.
Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
Ugh, i Love this question.
Okay no judgement but 420 would definitely be the day i pick have an epic Day. Start the day off hiking or walking. I love being outdoors so getting the blood pumping first thing in the morning opens up room for a full day or Weed, Food, bottomless mimosas and shots on shots of Tequila ( day drinking and great company is always the best way to a great start to preparing for the night festivities .
Depending on the type of day we are having we would either leave 420 early or much later. head io over Encore for more of a hip-hop kind of feel but not for long. Not to be bias but my being African Automatically puts be in a unapologetic AfroBeat Mood anyday( plus they never sleep. nor do i).
Knowing my Best friend Ashley (Chicken) who still resides in the DMV we would be eating all of Atlanta. doesn’t matter where. i am very open to trying new things and meeting new people so most times i don’t plan, i just go. YOLO say they would say.
Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
so Many People Thank but i guess i’ll start with God. because all praise does belong to him. There is no way i could have done all of this without him.
My Mother ( for always believing me and supporting EVERYTHING i did. no matter how crazy it was. First Person i heard sing and my Favorite Vocalist of all time.
My Family for sure ( now that’s what you call Backbone better yet, ride or dies)
My Late brother/best friend Twezi with Mbala Mafia ( I owe alot to him. someone who believed in me more then i believed myself most times. He never got a chance to Hear my Album but he definitely inspired the drive for it. I dedicate Conflicted Motives to him)
Djshinedabeast – for 2 years he chased down my vocals and i had no idea why but hey, look at us now climbing this ladder of success. for believing in US and the story we had to tell.
productions- AMCNigeria, Lafftheory, TheLoungeAtl ,CMGStudios, BsproEntertainment
Books- The Dictionary, The subtle Art Of Not Giving A Fuck and My Diary
Instagram: SashaVmusic
Twitter: @SashaVMuse
Facebook: Vanessa Mumba
Other: twitter @sashavmusic
Image Credits
photographer – Chrisopher James @montyangelo on IG @delenonyejohn