We had the good fortune of connecting with Rose Masterpol and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Rose, what was your thought process behind starting your own business?

I am a full-time artist. I also was an art director / graphic designer for over 30 years. I worked for agencies but went on my own and painted along the way. Graphic design was my bread and butter until my painting career took over. Now I work for myself full time and love it, it has been a dream since I was young. It is really important to me to be in charge of my life, my decisions and my schedule. Essentially, I like being my own boss.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?

What makes art so special is the individuality of the artist and their work. So, in a sense, all artists are set apart from each other because we are all unique individuals with different world experiences that shape our work. In my case, I’ve found passion in creating work that has both structure and abstraction. In particular, my Geometrix series represents work that includes clean lines, shapes and color pallets that provide the viewer with structure as they experience the piece, but that structure is balanced with abstraction so the work is free to interpretation by the viewer.

But throughout all my work, I see my practice/art as emotional, sensitive, constantly progressing and evolving and I think that ability to consistently tap into my emotional space while constantly evolving my work is one of my biggest assets. Being able to move forward creatively while still keeping a “emotional” signature style/throughline.

To the question on whether my life as an artist was perceived as “easy,” I would say absolutely not. But without those trials and challenges and the opportunity to overcome them and realize my resiliency, I would not be the artist I am today. And this is what I’m most proud of – pushing through the obstacles and finding that “process” to be a huge source of creativity. My practice, at times, has actually saved me in many moments in my life. It has become my safe place, my outlet and my inspiration to continue creating.

I want people to know that you must not give up. Push as hard as you can if you love what you do. Fight – you are worthy.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?

We would be in Santa Fe and breakfast is first. We would head out for great coffee and french cuisine at Mille – warm place, chill crowd and the smell of warm chocolate croissants baking welcome us.

After breakfast, we would head out on a scenic drive to experience Georgia O’Keeffe house and studio in Abiquiu, NM. Georgia is famous for her oil paintings of flowers mostly. More than anything, she is an icon in New Mexico and I believe it’s a gift to experience her life and work so intimately.

Then back to the historic Santa Fe Plaza, where we would walk through the hustle of a small town with all of the spirited architecture that is Santa Fe. Before leaving the plaza, we would pop into a legendary restaurant called “The Shed” for a magnificent margarita and to wrap up our plaza tour, visit the beautiful Cathedral Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi, and light a candle for someone special.

Next off we would take a stroll up famous Canyon Road – home to several of the world’s best art galleries. In particular, I would take my BF to Nuart Gallery – where my art is represented.

From there, we would walk over to La Posada (where long-held rumors say that ghost roam) and have a warm cup of hot chocolate in front of the beautiful Kiva fireplace.

Then home, quick disco nap, shower and dinner at the world-famous Geronimo. Best place to experience Geronimo for 2 friends is the counter bar where we will enjoy unique and creative food along with a great bottle of red wine.

Then, we rest up for a day at the Japanese – inspired Ten Thousand Waves spa. This boutique property is nestled in the mountains of Santa Fe and offers visitors a beautiful experience of amazing Japaneses food, exquisite spa treatments followed by a “soak” in one of their outdoor tubs only to find snow falling lightly down on us.

Good day and good night friend! I hope you enjoyed my version of beautiful and awe-inspiring Santa Fe.

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?

There are a so many shoutouts for those who influenced my life and work that it’s hard to capture those all here, but the standouts were my art teachers since 4th grade. In particular, my teachers and mentors who shaped my direction and work while I attended the California Institute for the Arts. They made me and my work seen and valued and helped me to actualize my passion and emotions in my works.

Several books also inspired me along the way, most notably the “Conversation with God” series. It strengthened my spiritual path and tied my creativity all together. That gave me a strong foundation to trust in my work and God.

My manager and mentor at Pulsar Advertising, Alberto was, an inspiration, a family figure who help me make huge strides in the advertising world, while encouraging me to follow my love and passion for painting…leading me to a life today where I can focus 100% on my art.

And then there are those who have had one of the greatest impacts on my career as an artist and those are the many humans in life who believed in my work and invested from the very beginning, only to become collectors and supporters to this day. And for everyone along the way who helped me feel seen and appreciated – they saw something and shared that with me. I can’t say how important that was and is as it fueled my innate, emotional drive to create which had existed so deeply since I was very young.

Love and encouragement from friends, collectors and partners were by my side and helped me push hard and not give up, that is the most profound reason I am succeeding today.

A big SHOUTOUT to the following galleries that help me everyday! Pryor Fine Art (Atlanta) / Cheryl Hazan (NYC) / Artful Sol (Vail) / Merritt Gallery (Baltimore) / Nuart Gallery (Santa Fe)

Website: masterpol.com

Instagram: masterpol_abstractpainter

Facebook: Rose Masterpol – Abstract Painter

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.