We had the good fortune of connecting with Reba Shapiro and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Reba, how did you come up with the idea for your business?
For Tomorrow Wellness, LLC. was born out of a personal journey that was both challenging and rewarding. It combines the most impactful aspects of my academic and professional backgrounds and is a testament to my passion for assisting communities that hold a special place in my heart.

My desire is for For Tomorrow Wellness, LLC. to be a beacon of support for individuals living with chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia and autoimmunity, ensuring they do not feel abandoned in their struggles. Through the complexities of medical appointments and diagnostics to managing the emotional toll and uncertainties that accompany chronic illnesses, my goal is to offer life-altering support to those who are navigating these experiences. Statistics reveal that the average diagnosis period for conditions like autoimmunity and fibromyalgia span several years, underscoring the significance of interim coping strategies to sustain a semblance of normalcy and mitigate a potentially preventable further decline in health and quality of life. Even after a diagnosis, more can be done to help the individual enjoy a fulfilling life in which they can feel their best.

This is something I intimately understand as I’ve personally walked this path of chronic illness with these conditions. Dealing with chronic pain symptoms from a very young age and flares throughout my life left me feeling as thought I couldn’t trust my own body. There were times when navigating the journey with my condition, feeling like I had lost my autonomy and was just a number in the wider system, seemed impossible. At times, I even lost faith in providers who were supposed to be able to help me. I would hear phrases others navigating the diagnosis search are familiar with like, “it’s all in your head”, “this is just your lot in life, you should learn to accept it”, and “are you sure it’s that bad?”. Other providers were very blunt when they said they had nothing to offer and no answers about how to help me but they would do their “due diligence” and send me off to another specialty for more invasive, often painful, testing. Sometimes, people would question “why do you want to find something wrong so bad?”, clearly highlighting their misunderstanding of how much I was struggling every day. My deepest desire was to understand why- “why does my body feel like a prison?”, “why is everything so hard?’. It was difficult to advocate for myself, and at times, actively discouraged and it was a struggle to imagine how I would ever get back to feeling like myself again.

At one point, after being bedridden for months, I realized that I had fallen into a pattern of hoping that the next appointment or test would offer some miracle of getting things back under control and I had stopped doing the things within my own power each day to keep my foundations strong. I had unintentionally forgotten there were ways that I could support myself, even during these difficult times. I (re)discovered the power of customized self-care, the importance of trusting in your own strength and those from whom you seek support, and the resilience that comes from education and determination. Slowly I started making changes, seeing progress and feeling better. Now, I live a life I was once only able to dream of from my bed.

Today, I aspire to never let my clients feel alone in their journeys like I did. My goal is to support them through every stage of living with chronic illness, empowering them to advocate for themselves, seek answers to crucial questions, discover strategies to live with and alleviate symptoms, and eventually re-engage fully with life on their own terms.

A second aim of For Tomorrow Wellness, LLC. is to advocate for family wellness. This initiative is inspired by my previous professional experience, which predominantly involved working with children and families before my health journey led me to reshape my career path. I cherished that work and remain committed to promoting child development and supporting family dynamics that serve as a foundation for future growth. This was further reinforced when I saw firsthand how my health struggles impacted my family and vice versa, ultimately highlighting the importance of supporting the whole family, even in the face of a challenge that appears, on the surface, to impact only one member.

The family unit functions as an interconnected system. Regardless of whether a member is struggling with their health, the family home remains a significant entity and one of the most influential aspects of life. It has the power to perpetuate or break cycles. When parents receive support and can take care of themselves, they are better able to model the priorities and values they wish to instill in their children. When parents understand how to navigate the evolving developmental phases of their children, they can intentionally create an environment and routine that feels inclusive for everyone while nourishing the family at all ages. By helping families to prioritize health and wellness today, we support strong, healthy, happy foundations for the future.

The slogan of For Tomorrow Wellness, LLC. is “for tomorrow, with love,”. It underscores the enduring impact of our present actions on the future. By infusing our choices today with mindfulness, intentionality, and informed decision-making, we pave the way for realizing our aspirations tomorrow. Approaching these decisions with love and compassion, rather than resentment and resistance, adds a touch of kindness to the process and increases the likelihood of making sustainable, purposeful choices that facilitate accomplishing the goals and dreams set for the future. Whether managing chronic illness, raising children, or seeking to enhance individual or family well-being, this same powerful principle applies.

What should our readers know about your business?
I am most proud that For Tomorrow Wellness, LLC. is dedicated to blending two of my top priorities. My training has instilled in me the importance of evidence-based practice and I pride myself on staying up to date with data and modalities that have been proven to be successful, ensuring that my clients benefit from the most effective strategies available. My personal and professional experiences have highlighted time and time again however, that health and wellness does not look the same for everyone and so it is incredibly important to keep the whole person/ whole family in mind when devising a course of action toward their greater goals.

For Tomorrow Wellness, LLC., is focused on bridging the gap between the research and the people seeking my assistance, tailoring scientifically backed approaches to meet the unique needs of each client and family. My objective is not only to address immediate concerns but also to empower my clients to make informed decisions and equip them with the tools and knowledge necessary for sustained well-being and happiness.

Our process at For Tomorrow Wellness, LLC. involves understanding each client’s unique circumstances, goals, desires, fears, preferences, and unique traits to provide effective, personalized support on their journey. Our holistic approach considers physical, emotional, psychological, and social well-being, recognizing that true wellness arises from a harmonious balance of these aspects. By understanding the intricacies of my clients’ lives, For Tomorrow Wellness, LLC. offers comprehensive support that fosters long-term wellbeing.

Further, collaboration is at the heart of my work with my clients. I know all too well what it felt like to not have a voice in my own care and life. At For Tomorrow Wellness, LLC, we know that maintaining autonomy is critical in the client’s belief that they can stay consistent and be successful. I prioritize open communication and active involvement from my clients, ensuring they feel heard, respected, and empowered in their pursuit of well-being.

Nothing makes me happier than when I see my clients relish in their success. I know that change is not easy, especially when it feels like it is only hope that keeps the dream alive. I’ve personally lived this journey and enjoyed pleasant and invigorating surprises, but to see my clients flourishing and enjoying benefits of their dedication and hard work that they didn’t know or think possible, makes my heart smile in ways that nothing else can.

Ultimately, For Tomorrow Wellness, LLC. transcends being a mere service provider; we are partners in the clients’ quests for a healthier, more enriching life and I am honored every day to walk alongside them throughout their journey.

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
Honestly, I could go on forever talking about those who have left a lasting impact on my life, but I’ll try to be brief. I firmly believe that a strong community is essential for achieving one’s dreams and overcoming challenges, such as the chronic conditions I have dealt with since childhood, and I can whole-heartedly say that I would not be who and where I am today without all of these influences showing up for me when they did in each chapter of my story.

First, I must recognize my parents who instilled strong work ethic and family values in me and are a couple of my biggest cheerleaders. I am so truly grateful for the support they have shown me throughout my life and especially in the journey of regaining my health so that I can live out my dreams on my terms. I am blessed to say that my family also includes wonderfully loving and supportive brothers, aunts, uncles and cousins who have always cheered me on.

My dearest friends deserve acknowledgment for the positivity, happiness, and inspiration they have brought into my life. They have uplifted me, stood by me, and supported me through all my pursuits. Some have been lifelong companions, growing alongside me. Others came into my life later, propelling me to new accomplishments and creating unforgettable, transformative moments and memories that will always stay close to my heart. Each of these incredible individuals has motivated me and encouraged me to strive for the highest version of myself.

I owe a significant portion of my achievements to my circle of mentors who believed in me and breathed life into my dreams even when I struggled to see how I could achieve them. These people helped me to forge my path, reach new heights and believe in the old adage, “if there’s a will, there’s a way”.

My educational institutions also deserve a lot of credit in my story. My alma maters, the University of New England and Arizona State University, and the professors and advisors who guided me during my time there emphasized the importance of scientific grounding and community connection, shaping many of the perspectives I hold today. The Institute for Integrative Nutrition provided me with an environment to expand my knowledge, broaden my horizons, and engage in work that allows me to grow personally and help others achieve the same. Similarly, I cannot overlook individuals whom I have not met personally but who have inspired me and broadened my understanding and perspectives. The contributions of trailblazers and influential figures such as Dr. Elaine Aron, Jay Shetty, Brene Brown, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Nicole LePera and many others have played a significant role in keeping my mind engaged and encouraging me to continue exploring.

My final shoutout might be a bit strange for those who have never lived with a chronic illness or feared that their own body might be the reason they don’t accomplish their goals and dreams, but these people are a part of my story and without them, I hesitate to imagine what my life would look like today. I am beyond grateful for the dedicated doctors and therapists who played a pivotal role in helping me regain and rebuild my life after debilitating health issues. Their whole-person approach and genuine desire to see me thrive have been instrumental in my recovery and has inspired me to be a source of support and strength for others, like they were for me. In my work now, I aim to embody the same compassion they showed to me, for others.

Website: www.fortomorrowwellness.com

Instagram: @fortomorrowwithlove

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/reba-shapiro-b184b8199/ 

Image Credits
Reba Shapiro, Aaron Newland, Carrie Rengert

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.