We had the good fortune of connecting with Prentice Ahmad and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Prentice, what’s your definition for success?
I define success by going home every month back to Florida so that I can be with my family. Many people define success as accumulating a multitude of different material possessions. Unfortunately, that is only one form of success and to some it still may not be deemed as success. It is in my opinion, success is anything that you can measure and achieve a goal. My goal is to always go back to Florida every month to see my family at least once. It doesn’t matter even if it’s for one day and I fly back home. I understand that you can spend a lifetime accumulating wealth, and material possessions and miss the opportunities right in front of you. We only get one life to live and we have to make it count.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
I have experience a lot of life in my short time on this side of the dirt. I believe that most people that would’ve had to endure what I did they would not have made it. From homeless being on public assistance, to now business/homeowner, I am most proud of my resilience. I grew up in Miami, Florida with humble beginnings. I did everything that I was told because I wanted to make it out the “hood”. I had the good grades, I went to college, I got the degree, all to graduate and not be able to find a job. Before I got the degree, I was told I needed more experience. Once I got the degree, I was told by some companies, I needed a master’s level or higher and now the previous companies told me I was overqualified. I took a job as a medication technician at an assistant living and my world changed. One night, I was helping a resident and she fell on me. I broke her fall and she broke my back. I sustained a lifetime injury to my lumbar before the age of thirty. As a result, I was placed out of work for eight months pending a lawsuit I filed against the company. I won the lawsuit, but, I ended up homeless during the process. I learned so much about myself and what it takes to be successful. Most people quit when they are about to have their breakthrough or allow their situation to become their identity. I had to quickly learn to not feel sorry for myself and realize that this was just a fork in the road. In order to have a powerful story, you have to have gone through something to be relatable and that was my valley to walk through.

With that being said, that is the cliff notes version of my story. I now am a business owner, homeowner, two time international best-selling author and motivational speaker. I also am the first, MISTER U.S. UNITED crowned July 2023. Was it easy to get to this point in my life? No. But, I tell you one thing IT WAS WORTH IT.

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
First off, my friends wouldn’t visit me in Atlanta. But, if they had to visit me here we would have to go to see the sights. The first place we would go would be to the Georgia Aquarium. The Georgia Aquarium is largest Aquarium in the United States. So we would have to go there. We would then have to visit the Coca-Cola factory and CNN. Last stops would be to Tyler Perry Studios and the Martin Luther King Jr. museum.

Now in terms of food, I am a foodie. We would have to check out Slutty Vegan. Those burgers I swear taste like real meat. Next, up We would have to visit “The Real Milk and Honey”. This is a spot that I take everyone that comes. Those homemade honey butter biscuits are incredible. “The Juicy Crab” is a must visit place. If you don’t like seafood don’t go. The food is amazing and the customer service is always good every time I’ve been. My mom loves that place. I have to take her every year she visits. Aside from that, there are other great places to visit but, I’m more of an events guy. If there is an event I’ll attend. But, I’m not a club goer.

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
My shout-out goes to Virginie Madistin or better known affectionately as Gigi. Gigi has been a friend to me throughout the years and always includes me on any project that she is working on. I believe that years ago our paths crossed because we were destined to be friends. I am forever grateful for her friendship and her unwavering support.

Website: Prenticeahmad.com

Instagram: iamprenticeahmad

Facebook: iamprenticeahmad

Other: TikTok: iamprenticeahmad

Image Credits
Marcus Nelson Photography

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.