We had the good fortune of connecting with Optulie Heriveaux and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Optulie, what role has risk played in your life or career?
I used to view the word “risk” so negatively because I would always assume that all the negative outcomes would take place. I would never share myself or my opinions openly because that would risk people criticizing me and/or my work; I rarely thought about risk playing out in a good way until recently.

If you take a risk on yourself and your aspirations you truly never know what could happen, but I’ve realized the importance of being open to all positive possibilities. Everyone is always like “what if you fail? what if this doesn’t happen?”; but what if you win? What if you succeed? What if you actually start and end up doing it in a way that’s so unique and unusual that people have no choice but to be engaged? Those are the questions I’ve been asking myself and implementing through my business.

I feel that trusting yourself and your abilities is more important than anything. You can take a risk but how efficient will your steps be if you don’t fully believe in yourself? Build YOU up first, have a strong sense of self. Then the concept of “taking risks” will seem like you’re just walking in a park.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
My hair company is partially centered around my creative abilities. I created Hairiveau with the idea of making creative, one of a kind units that can be worn for particular events like music videos, photoshoots, etc. It took me some time to get in my flow, but I was able to take one of my old units and create something new! I did a leopard-inspired look for Halloween in which the wig itself is the costume, rather than the clothes.

I think my vision sets me apart from others. Once I see something in my mind, I make it appear in my reality. I have a lot of lofty ideals, but I feel like that is my superpower. Everything I do is super intentional; I have a very particular way of seeing things and looking at things, even though it may not seem like it to others.

I’m honestly most excited about Hairiveau’s official launch. I’ve been working on it ever since my first discussion with VoyageATL, and I’m honestly shocked at how far I’ve come. It takes a LOT of work behind the scenes, a lot of time, a lot of tears, a lot of everything really, but that’s why I’m so excited about it — I literally put my all into it.

“Was it easy?” is a great question. because I truly feel like things just become more difficult. As you find your passion and what drives you, as you tap into your goals, the path becomes more strenuous and your challenges start to feel unbearable. No, it’s not easy, but if you want to do it then you will. I’ve found that life is not really about the challenges in itself, it’s about what you do when you’re faced with one. You will have challenges and obstacles regardless, but you are the one who chooses to sink or swim… I’m always gonna swim. My spirituality leads me, I put all my faith in God and He gives me the strength to swim.

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
N/A, I’m still not as affiliated with Atlanta as much as I would like to be… I’ll be able to answer that question soon though! I’m very excited for that.

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
I’m in an organization called Platinum Wrld (PLW), it’s an exclusive business group where the members network and discuss growth strategies for our respective industries. Before I was in PLW, I had a sense of what I wanted to do but I lacked direction and faith in myself. I’ve never been in an environment where people are so creative yet also just as driven to succeed; seeing everybody’s stories and progresses serves as such motivation for me. Sometimes I just need a reminder that I can do it, and they’re always there to show me and tell me. Although we’re a business group, it feels like a family. I’ve been able to connect and work with so many dope people and I have so many great things lined up for Hairiveau because of the connections I’ve made.

I also have to thank the people who’ve supported me in any way. Even if it’s as much as a heart-eye when I share my creative work, it means so much to me. My clients who not only support by buying and letting me do their hair, but by taking pictures and posting and helping me get out there; that really means the most to me. My connections with people is my everything.

Instagram: hairiveau

Other: hairiveau.com is currently in the works! Currently I’m rebranding, so I’ve been working with graphic designers and web developers to make everything look amazing. The official website is part of the launch, so be on the lookout for that! You can also catch me on TikTok @op2ulie, that’s where I talk more about my personal trials and tribulations and how I overcome them 🙂

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.