We had the good fortune of connecting with Omar Earnest Jr. and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Omar, what is the most important factor behind your success?
I once saw a video on motivatedkulture and in the video, the man said, In business decisions and huge corporations, people will disrespect you and say, “It’s just business. And that’s not a real thing because business is ran by humans. So your business is your business. It’s just not business, this is you. Your business is a reflection of you. It’s how you do life and how you do business.” With that being said, I remain to be the same loving, helpful person even outside of business transactions. I still stand on certain principles, guidelines and rules that I will never cross regardless how my business is impacted negatively or positively.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
I’m a corrections officer at Women’s Huron Valley in Ypsilanti, MI. I got where I am today by hard work and dedication. I made sure to learn and listen first, talk second. I learned early on from a lot of experiences good and bad. Most people call those that are bad, “losses.” I call them lessons. Everything in life is a lesson so you’ll know whether you want to go down that route again or never go back. Life was pretty easy being so professional how I am today. I participated in a lot of professional settings growing up like Pathway to Excellence in high school for example and many more. My family always played a huge part in my life with being professional or whenever I needed assistance. The #1 lesson I’ve learned my whole life that has always stuck with me since kindergarten is, “Treat others how you want to be treated.” Energy is so contagious. Good and bad energy. Whatever energy you put in the world is going to come back to you 10x. But I guess one thing that I want the world to know about me is that I’m something like a Jack of all trades! I’m multi-talented and I love being able to do more than just one job.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
If I had a best friend, for breakfast we would definitely go to Joe Louis restaurant. That’s probably the best breakfast place I’ve ever tasted being in Detroit, MI my whole life. For lunch or dinner, it’s so many delicious places you could go. If any of the viewers have tiktok, follow me and I have some places up with the reviews. We would go to North Bar and Grille for drinks definitely though. Their drinks are top tier. We would visit everything downtown like the River Walks, the GM building, and the historic places. Far as hanging out, there’s a lot of places you could go in Detroit. I’m adventurous and I’m also spontaneous so, I go paint balling or do air soft, bowling, go kart racing, sometimes I just like being outside. If anybody wants to go to a club, definitely go to Annex. That’s the turnest club in Detroit. The Little Caesars arena hosts our basketball games, concerts and etc so if you’re coming to Detroit, look at the dates for events.

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
I received my paperwork in the mail back in July of 2021 that my business was created. I received my first appointment a week after that with my mans Drevon. From that point on, I had more friends from Eastern Michigan University and MLK High School book appointments every month. Then I started getting more people and more people. My appointments started to be weekly. My business just started skyrocketing from that point. I ended up meeting a lovely lady named Deszirae and we made a partnership in May 2022. She wanted me to clean her salon suites and nail suites 4-7 times a week. I’m truly blessed and grateful. First I have to thank God. Without Him, none of this would be possible. I’m a true believer in God. I pray each and everyday and about every thing that happens in my life. I definitely have to give thanks to my Mom for pushing me to even start a business and being such a great help along the way. I have to give thanks to my dad too for always telling me to work hard and anything I put my mind to, I can do it. Just stay on the right track. My mom and my grandma are my biggest inspirations on my cleaning business because they are both very OCD and I also share that with them. My grandma is very OCD, she will go outside, walk up and down the blocks around her house and just start picking up trash. I didn’t know what business I wanted at first but when I thought about something I like doing, I said a cleaning business would be very different and unique in Michigan. First I thought about a transportation service and a clothing line but I thought about these businesses further down the line and I knew the cleaning business was the best choice and option. And the last person I want to give thanks to is Lisa Kirksey for recommending me.

Website: https://therealdivineinsta.wixsite.com/divineinstantcleanin?fbclid=PAAabXKWMyN_1IKlORECpp4NJ6_P3g_A30E4jvmG-S-XnXauM5pJa2E8jKpTU

Instagram: livinglegend721 and divineinstantcleaningservices

Other: My tiktok is divineinstantcleaning. I have no Linkedup, Yelp, Twitter or youtube.

Image Credits
I mainly take all of the pictures of my work. Some customers don’t like taking pictures so I take them instead for the before and after then I post them on my social medias, snapchat, instagram and tiktok.

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.