We had the good fortune of connecting with Okirike Okirike and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Okirike, what role has risk played in your life or career?
I believe the only way to achieve anything great in life is to first take a risk. Not just achieve greatness but change your life or create the type of life you want for yourself. It all begins with taking risks.

When I decided to shoot my first film I had no experience making a movie before. I had no film degree, no directing experience, no film industry connects, and no investors. All I had was a script that I had written and the desire to do something greater with my life than anything I had previously done before.

Taking that risk opened up an entire new world for me. I went into it with blind ambition and the faith that I was smart enough to figure out the obstacles as they would present themselves. I believed that as long as I was determined to succeed, and dedicated to putting the art first and creating at a high level, God would guide me along the way. I approached it with a selfless attitude. I had the desire to help catapult the careers of talented actors.

The challenges that I faced and overcame empowered me and allowed me to make a career out of something I truly enjoy doing.


Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
What excites me most about being a screenwriter is the ability to be creative and tell captivating stories, then watch talented actors bring those stories to life. As a director taking what’s on paper and making it a visual experience is a thrill for me. As an actor , connecting to a character and helping to tell the story through that character is exciting. As a producer, bringing dozens of people together to create a common vision and tell a common story is amazing and rewarding to me.

I got here by being willing to bet on myself and put up my own money to bring my vision to life. First being willing to put in the work of writing a 90 plus page movie script, then taking on the challenge of self-funding it and bringing it to life.

The most valuable lesson I’ve learned along the way is that you can’t wait for permission to go after what you want to create or achieve. you just have to be willing to take risks and figure out ways to get it done. No excuses!

I want our company Reel Rebel Films to provide opportunities for people who are dedicated to their individual crafts within the film industry and to be a testament to what can be achieved when you take chances and bet on yourself.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
I grew up in Savannah so I’m still new to Atlanta, but if they come to Savannah they should definitely check out river street and enjoy some great seafood from one our local restaurants.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
Throughout my life I’ve never had mentors or anyone to really take me under their wing and show me the ropes, especially not in the film industry. It used to upset me but in the end it made me rely more on God and prayer. It’s always at the times that I need it most that God gives me that spark or inspiration that I need to keep pushing forward. I was at a very low point in my life where I was lost as far as career and purpose and God showed me the vision through a dream that I’d find success in the film industry. I always remember the voice I heard saying “It’s not going to be easy but it’s going to be worth it.” I held onto it and that’s what got me here. I wish I could say I’m just some brilliant, confident, fearless person, but it took a lot of divine intervention to keep me from giving up at times. So shout out to God. Also, shout out to my wife for being supportive in every way and not allowing me to throw a pity party for myself whenever things didn’t go as planned or people let me down during the process of completing our first film. Now I’m able to approach projects with the ability to do whatever is needed to get them done.

Instagram: @okirike

Twitter: @okirike

Facebook: Facebook.com/okirike

Youtube: https://youtu.be/0VyXxIFOKsI?si

Other: They can check out our movie “Out on a Lim” for free on Tubi Tubi Link: https://link.tubi.tv/JORwvbehRub

Image Credits
Headshot: Slingshots photography

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