We had the good fortune of connecting with Noella Mbulapey and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Noella, what principle do you value most?
One of the greatest principles that matter most to me is loyalty. By that, I mean being devoted, committed or dedicated to a mission or a cause. Some people might only attribute loyalty to friendships and/or relationships with others, but I believe that being loyal to oneself is by far one of the most valuable things. We ought to be loyal to our true self, setting boundaries for ourselves and respecting them, create a goal map and pursue every single dreams. It is easy to be loyal to others even other people’s dreams. For example showing up on time to work for your employer, being a good spouse, mom, dad, mentor etc. but are we loyal to our own purpose? Especially in the new digital age, it is common for people to compromise their happiness, goals, peace and more…. just to please others or blend in. I have been there before, I have put filters on my personality just because I wanted to fit in until I realized that I needed to know my worth and understand that being my true self is one step toward my purpose. I decided to be loyal to my goals and dedicated to the mission of bringing a positive impact to the world, no matter the challenges I faced.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
Noella Mbulapey is a passionate purpose pusher, ordained prophetess, author and speaker. She leads two purpose movements called “Esther Generation Ministries” and “The Real You.” She is a graduate from the University of Texas at Arlington with a Bachelor’s degree of Political Science ( communication minor) and an associate of Science with a Criminal Justice subject from Richland College in Dallas, TX. She is an entrepreneur and CEO of the Qadash Companies which operate in the areas of real estate, beauty, and fashion. She is also a member of Forbes BLK. As you can see, she has a lot of layers because the sky is the limit. Life is to use our potentials to the fullest extent.

I am originally from the Democratic Republic of Congo and moved to the United States in 2016. Deciding to leave my country and travel miles away was one of the most difficult and risky decisions I have ever made in my life but it was worth it. Being away from family, in a foreign land showed my that I have in me everything it takes to be who I want to be if I just decide to be it. One of the challenges I have faced in this country is the language barrier. I grew up in a French speaking country and I speak more than 4 other languages. Being in the U.S. I had to work twice hard in school by learning both the language and the courses. As I mentioned earlier, I knew I have everything in me. I received both degrees with honors, I was a honor college ambassador, I was the professional development chair of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, I received several scholarships, and because a Peer Academic Leader/ Teacher Assistant.

Besides my career goals, I am also involved in my community and my church. People use to ask me how I managed all these hats; leading ministry and pursuing my own career and life goals. Well, God and discipline got me here and will get me where I need to be. I had to learn how to manage my time well. We only have 24h in a day and every minute is an investment to our future.

Settling for less was just not an option for me and no barrier could stop me from accomplishing my goal not even the language. Today, I enjoy helping people break out of limitation by knowing themselves and reaching their purpose I would also like to tell somebody that it is time to get up and leave your comfort zone. It is time to stop with the excuses and get the work done. You have a purpose to fulfill and an impact to make in the world no matter what your background is.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I currently live in Columbus, Ohio but I have lived in Atlanta and my best friend lives there too. So I consider Atlanta as one of my home cities. The first area I can recommend is the Skyview Ferris Wheel. Nobody can say no to having a little view of the town. I have been there twice and I am always excited each time I get to be up there. The second place would be Piedmont Park. I just love how peaceful and big that place is. I always go there to each one of my trips to Atlanta and it’s best to go there during the weekend. The best place I would recommend for breakfast is La Madeleine French Bakery. It is not in every state so having a breakfast there is very nice.

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
I would like to dedicate my shoutout to my very first book ” Tell Me About Yourself.” This is not just a book about finding our identity but this is a story of my personal journey with insecurities, rejection and labels.

I would also like to shoutout to my community “The Real You” where men and women decide to live a purposeful life by changing the perspective of how they see themselves and how they face challenges.

Website: www.therealyoucommunity.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marillanoella_bope

Linkedin: http://linkedin.com/in/noella-bope-mbulapey

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Missmarilla.bope23

Image Credits
David Asiamah Photography

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.