We had the good fortune of connecting with Nnamdi Arinze and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Nnamdi, can you tell us more about your background and the role it’s played in shaping who you are today?
I was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, during the early 1980s. My upbringing was strongly influenced by my parents and the highly creative and predominantly positive hip-hop culture that prevailed at that time. As I’ve matured and gained a broader understanding of history and the world, I’ve come to appreciate how traditional music has been employed by many indigenous cultures to transmit values across generations. For my own generation, the golden age of hip-hop played a pivotal role in shaping a cohort of culturally informed, creative, and highly skilled individuals.

Growing up, my household was filled with books covering a wide range of subjects, many of which fostered self-empowerment and provided knowledge on topics such as finance, health, and history. Around the age of 12, I perused Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich,” which piqued my curiosity about concepts that were then beyond my comprehension. Since then, I have consistently instilled in my daughter the belief that one can achieve anything they set their mind to. I often remind her that with the right knowledge, one can build a ship and fly to the moon.

Both of my parents hold Ph.D. degrees. My mother was a respected educator before retiring, while my father journeyed from Nigeria to the United States in the mid-1970s to pursue his Ph.D. in Economics. Although my parents divorced before I turned 10, they established a foundation and mindset that emphasized the boundless possibilities available to me.

Furthermore, my mother raised me in an ancient Khemitian religious system that embraced veganism and other practices. Over time, I’ve come to realize that the choices we make regarding our bodies at a young age significantly impact our well-being beyond the age of 35. The intersection of health and knowledge undeniably paves the way for the realization of wealth.

While I haven’t traveled as extensively as I had envisioned at this stage of my life, I have had the privilege of visiting South Africa, Nigeria, Canada, Ghana, Turkey, Togo, and Barbados. I firmly believe that firsthand experiences gained through travel and observing the world contribute to becoming a more compassionate individual.

In terms of my formal education, I pursued Commercial Graphic Design and minored in history. Right after graduation, I founded my design company, called Ben Arden at www.benarden.com. My new relationship turned into marriage was too much for Ben Arden to take off, so got a job and spent over eight years working in the corporate sector, with my most recent employment being at Cox Communications. However, I came to realize that my true worth extended beyond the confines of a ten-hour workday, including commuting, for the rest of my life. A layoff experience further emphasized the importance of gaining greater control over my future security.

Consequently, my former wife and I embarked on a joint venture in the natural hair product industry, riding the wave of the movement’s emergence. This endeavor involved building and managing a product brand on a full-time basis. Within the first year, we secured over 20 consistent retail accounts, including two international ones in Toronto and Paris. Due to our brand name being of South African origin, we even received inquiries from as far as South Africa. We subsequently opened a store in a popular mall in Atlanta, Georgia. However, the business did not reach its full potential.

Following that phase, I relocated to New York for three years and pursued work outside my field in the transportation industry. In 2020, I returned to Atlanta and began establishing a clothing brand called Personal Advisory at www.personaladvisory.com. Then, in 2021, I ventured into the development of a vegan restaurant brand called Vegan Wangs at www.veganwings.com, which is now my primary focus and occupation.

Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
Currently, I am the owner of three registered trademarked businesses, with my primary focus resting on Vegan Wangs, which can be found at www.veganwangs.com. In July, the business will celebrate its first year of operation, and I am pleased to report that it is performing above industry standards, despite its relative youth.

What sets me apart from others is a combination of my strong work ethic, resourcefulness, and unwavering optimism. I firmly believe that resourcefulness and risk-taking are closely related and intrinsic qualities possessed by those who excel in their endeavors. Throughout my life, I have been the kind of person who, when confronted with claims that something cannot be accomplished, would explore ten different approaches to prove otherwise. Even in my teenage years, something as seemingly simple as calling a shoe store to inquire about a specific size would prompt me to visit the store personally for verification, often finding the requested item in stock. By keeping such actions to myself, I reinforced the notion that anything can be achieved with sufficient effort.

The path that has led me to my current position is the result of a combination of diverse experiences, the core values instilled in me directly and indirectly by my parents, real-world work engagements, and the success I have achieved with each new business venture I undertook.

Although the journey has had its share of challenges, I liken the deliberate pursuit of success to an asset, much like a stock. While there will inevitably be ups and downs along the way, the overarching trajectory should demonstrate progress. This is only possible if the collective sum of experiences, lessons learned, and focused efforts holds intrinsic value.

In facing obstacles, I approach them with the mindset that if global brands like McDonald’s can thrive with over 38,000 locations worldwide, then I can undoubtedly find a way to overcome any business-related hurdles.

One of the valuable lessons I have learned is to study the masters in various fields, identify the commonalities that contribute to their success, and adapt those principles on my own path towards achieving greatness. Experience, indeed, proves to be the most effective teacher.

It is my aspiration to make a meaningful impact in the world, and I consider my current list of business ventures to be only halfway complete. The latest endeavor on my horizon involves completing a screenplay that I believe will captivate audiences worldwide.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I’m a little outdated when it comes to Atlanta. I was in NY for many years and haven’t explored fully the new Atlanta, but from what I know I’d use my High Museum membership to see the latest exhibit. I’d get food at Desta and or Two Urban Licks and visit the top of Ponce City Market.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
My mom is the main conduit of the path I’m on by managing my focus and nurturing my innate traits. Next, I would have to say the life of my father. Just knowing that i’m immediately related to someone who traveled to America to pursue a phd in Economics, then return to his country to become the head of the Economics Department at one of the main State schools in Nigeria is an inspiration and adds to my personal standards to do and bring ideas to life. Through these two individuals, the only obstacle to accomplishment is time.

Many books have nurtured my thinking and the way I engage with the world, socially + busily. Many of the books that interest me overlap but i’d say “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, Propaganda The Public Mind in the Making by Edward Bernays, and lastly “Les Damnés de la Terre” before its translation to “The Wretched of the Earth” by Franz Fanon.


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/veganwangs

Facebook: veganwangs

Yelp: https://www.yelp.com/biz/vegan-wangs-atlanta

Other: www.benarden.com www.personaladvisory.com

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