We had the good fortune of connecting with Monroe Pfiefer and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Monroe, what led you to pursuing a creative path professionally?
I’ve always been a person that lives in my imagination. I dream in vivid color, think about the most impossible things all day and imagine myself in world’s that do not exist lol. Being a creative is in my blood because I was created by The greatest Creaotor, I couldn’t do anything else. There really was no other option for me, I just wish I knew earlier in my life that I could make my dreams a reality.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
My art is telling a story through words, though I am an actress, my passion and first love is writing. I have always loved words and their ability to transform one’s reading into a whole other world. I wish I could say that I knew from a very young age that I wanted to write for movies and TV and that I had this set path, but the truth is it has taken me 37 years to come to this realization. Throughout the years I found myself working in retail and then healthcare, teaching and various other jobs that never lasted because they just didn’t allow me the space to be myself. I took leap of faith a few months ago and went head first into creating and writing a web series, making a post on Facebook asking if anyone wanted to help me make a webseries and by the grace of God he brought the most amazing people and Creatives into my life and the rest is history currently in the making. The funny thing is….I didn’t even want to come here to Atlanta lol. God kept pushing me here until I finally said ok I will go visit my mom, while on my way here my car overheated and I found out ai needed a new engine. So here I am thinking I would just visit for two weeks and it has now been 4.5 months and I have the first episode of a webseries I created on YouTube all because I was a hard headed and stubborn child lol. I have had a lot of successes in my life but this so far is my biggest and it still has not set in. I will not say that the jour ey to get here has been easy because it hasn’t, I was living in my car (by choice) to not have to pay rent and bills, being separated from my two sons has been the hardest part of this recent journey, being back home at almost 38 is a huge struggle lol but I would not trade it for the opportunities that I have gotten in recent months. I’ve learned to trust God when He says go, I’ve had faith in God for many, many years but this journey has strengthened it even more because filming a webseries cost a whole lot of money lol (that I don’t have). I’ve also learned to trust God’s timing, the people that He puts into your life and to treat each and every person that comes in to your life not as a means to a goal, but as a partner to build something tangible and meaningful with. The thing that I believe sets me a part from others is the fact that I embrace the weird things that make me who I am. The child like imagination and sense of wonderment I have, my love for unicorns and mermaids and all the things that sparkle, my ability to take one idea and turn it into a world that no one has seen before, and my absolute love for and faith in God! What I want the world to take from my story is no matter what your life looks like, no matter what struggles you face, no matter how terrible a situation seems there is beauty in knowing that your Creator knows the outcome so IT WILL BE ALRIGHT! Take what you love, what you think is impossible and let God make it possible, no matter how silly or ridiculous it may seem to others.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
So because I have only been here in Atlanta for few months it’s still pretty new to me. I will give an itinerary for my hometown which is Brookly, NY.

The most important stop to make first is Tony’s pizzeria on Knickerbocker Ave in Brooklyn for lasagna, then it’s off to Coney Island which is one of my favorite places to go in the summertime. The must is to ride the Himalaya, grab hotdogs and frog legs from Nathan’s, we have to ride the bumper cars, visit the Arcade and finish off with funnel cake.

Off to Queens we go, one of my favorite things to eat is pizza so we must go to Jamaica Ave and get a slice from Margheritas Pizza, do some shopping along Jamaica Ave all the way down to the Collisseum block on 165th st.

Back to Brooklyn a must stop for shopping and fun is Albee Square on Fulton st. Downtown Brooklyn, this used to be the spot where everyone shopped when I was a child and it still is a great place to hangout. Like with anything we must EAT lol. The best hotdogs are at The Hot Dog King right on Fulton St. From there it’s a short walk to my youngest son’s favorite place The Transit Museum ( a must for train enthusiasts).

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
I want to give thanks first to God because the people that I shoutout are a part of my life thanks to Him!

My Director Pete Alcide, Producer Zach Collins, Cast of my show Monroe: Faux Real, Mychelle Lynn (Mandy), Alyssa Renee Olson (Max), Mekai Valentin Simpson (Bryce) and the very funny Comedian Michael James (Rocky). Also all the crew that came together with me to create a truly great webseries!!!! Ashley Auset & Raven Pitts(Wardrobe Stylist), Karlos Jones (Key Grip), Anirban Roy (PA), Miranda Currier (1st AD), Gwladys (MUA), Antoinette “Lee Lee” (Set Stylist), Tia King (Script Supervisor), Alexis Heggs (PA), Barbiee (Owner of The Barbiee Box Atlanta), the best cameraman Gregg Cee and the wonderful J.L. Bolden (Sound Engineer). The person that took all the footage and made it into a watchable show Editor Sandra Grant and SFX producer Calvin Charles!!!!

To my family, my son’s, my mom and my sister’s who support all my nonsense….I love you

My Aunt Cheryl Smith and the most wonderful co-parent in this life Jason Gross Sr.

Website: Monroe@monroepfiefer.info

Instagram: Monroe Pfiefer

Facebook: Monroe Pfiefer

Youtube: Monroe Faux Real

Image Credits
Monroe Pfiefer Michael James Raven Pitts Ashley Auset

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.