We had the good fortune of connecting with Miranda & Eddie and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Miranda & Eddie, what was your thought process behind starting your own business?
I have sensitive skin, I always have. Whether is be from dry skin from eczema or just irritated skin from certain soaps or skincare products. Eddie doesn’t struggle from this as bad as I do, however our daughter does. She has extremely sensitive skin, not only dry skin from eczema but almost every soap we have tried on her since she was born, including the products labeled for “sensitive skin” have broke her out. So I decided to learn how to make all natural bar soaps in hoping that we could create something for her that she could use and not break out. This started as a hobby, but I quickly realized I loved doing this and wanted to do it full time. I stayed with only all natural bar soaps for over about 2 years. From March 2022-March 2024. I then started learning and researching new products to expand my business into something more than just bar soaps. We wanted to make sure ALL of the products we released were safe for ALL skin types. We now, over 2 years later have a line of products from bar soap, body washes, beard oils, body sprays, sugar scrubs & more. Our goal is to make skincare products that are safe and fun for all skin types and all ages! We use all of our products first before we launch them to sell so we know 100% we can stand behind our products.

Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
We love and enjoy being able to create products that everyone can use! We make sure to use all natural ingredients to create what we consider our best products. We definitely wouldn’t be where we are today without the support and encouragement from friends, family, customers and other small businesses. We have worked everyday to get where we want to be, and continue to work everyday to grow into something even bigger. 2024, our business has blossomed into something amazing and I never would’ve thought that within 2 years we would have over 1.6k followers and supporters on our page. We have shipped all over the United States and Internationally as well. It most definitely wasn’t easy, and we continue to have struggles sometimes, but we always figure out how to get past it and learn from it and keep going. Eddie and I both have realized this is a full time + some job and we love it. Being a small business owner isn’t all fun and games like some people believe. There’s ALOT of work that goes on day in and day out. Social media in itself is a full time job, then add in, creating products, sales, costs for everything, teaching people about our products. Every day we push to grow and be as successful as we can be! We have learned alot of lessons along the way, the biggest one being you aren’t going to be everyone’s cup of tea and that’s okay! Everybody is different and unique in their own way and not everyone is going to enjoy or appreciate what you do! And that’s completely okay! You have to be yourself always. People will either love you or hate you for who you are as a person but you never need to change to fit into this bubble society believes is “perfect”. Our supporters online know who we are as people and our goals and beliefs just as human beings. We are different and that’s okay! We do this full time because we enjoy it and also Eddie is disabled and working for a big name company just doesn’t work for him because of all his health issues. With his health issues, and a child, we push and work harder than most people to support our everyday life, from bills, to clothes, household items, our business is what keeps us going, especially while we wait on Eddie to hear something back from disability. We love what we do, and we put every bit of ourselves into being authentically us. We are 26 & 28 and enjoy a simple life! We will always be 100% us for our customers no matter how large our business grows because being 100% us has got us where we are today!

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
We live in a little small town in South Alabama called Andalusia, there’s not much to do around here. However if we had somebody coming to see us for a week, we would show them around this tiny town but taking them to our downtown area where they can see beautiful murals on the sides of some buildings and learn a little bit about it here. We would grab some food by Tabby D’s which is a local restaurant here that has some of the best southern foods. We could head to Florida for a beach day because we can get to the beautiful panhandle beaches in around 2 hours or less. We could also go to the movies, grab some sweet treats from a few businesses in town and just enjoy a simple relaxing slow down type town!

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
Eddie & I both appreciate all of the support we have received from not only our customers, family & friends but other small businesses in the world. We have grown to over 1.6k followers (we call them bubbles) on our Facebook page and we started the year with around 250. We wouldn’t be where we are today without all of the wonderful people we have supporting us every day!

Website: https://mirandassoaps.etsy.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mandyssoaps98?mibextid=ZbWKwL

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.