We had the good fortune of connecting with Melvin Leland Jr. and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Melvin, how has your work-life balance changed over time?
When I was younger I had no concept of work life balance. I just went to work, picked up every shift I could, and sometimes worked multiple jobs. I wasn’t worried about the burn out effect, spending time socializing, or taking a moment to recenter myself. As I have grown in life, personally and professionally, I have realized that you can’t work all of the time. Balance is very important, both for physical and mental health. My partner has made me realize that the separation of work and home is critical, even if you work from home. You have to take the time to get away from work or you can sometimes become resentful of not having down time, even if you love what you do.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
I have always had a passion for food, the science behind it, and the idea that it is an impermanent art. Desserts have allowed me to explore that even further. I have always allowed the world and life to show me the direction that I should go and that is true of my brand as well. What sets me apart from others is my willingness to try just about anything. I feel that is the only way you grow. If someone comes to me with a concept I try my best to bring it to life. I got to where I am professionally by “selling the prototype,” as my partner Jay says to me. By that he means that if I have never done something in my life, I will usually find a way to make it happen, sound confident in my ability to do so, and sell it as if it had been a part of my portfolio from the beginning. It’s never easy to do something like that, on the contrary it very difficult, but when when you persevere through it the reward is amazing. An unwillingness to try is downfall I had to overcome, because I had a fear of failure. By challenging myself to “sell the prototype,” I have grown tremendously. The next step in this growth is something that I am super excited about. We (my partner and myself) are embarking on a pottery journey. This will allow me to offer more services to my clients for their special occasions. We will soon be offering cups, plates, and bowls along with other sculptural pieces in the near future.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Sometimes a week is just not enough, especially with a city as diverse and steeped in history as Savannah Georgia. I think that if you have never visited Savannah the first place to start is a tour of the downtown area. It allows you to get a lay of the land, and also to learn about many different historic moments that have occurred. Afterwards we would probably head to brunch at the Collins Quarter, a restaurant that brings Australia’s cafe culture to life in the heart of downtown. We would have to, after we ate, indulge in a Savannah tradition. We’d grab a drink to go and walk down to City Market, and then down to River Street. Later in the day we could head out to Fort Pulaski, one of the many historic forts in the Savannah area. Then for dinner we would probably end up at Husk, a restaurant that has elevated southern cuisine. Savannah is a walking city, so be ready to put on some comfortable shoes and get your steps in. There are a myriad of bars, places to eat, and historic places to visit. You could come here multiple times, and not see everything. I think it’s part of the charm of the city that things move a little bit slower, and it allows you to slow down and relax as you see the city. Throughout the rest of the week, I would make a point to visit a lot of my favorite spots, and also check out a lot of the new places that have opened. We would visit Alligator Soul, Perry Lane, the JW, Ukiyo, Mrs. Wilkes Dining Room and so many more.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
To single out one person is terribly difficult because my life and business has been impacted in so many ways by various people. I want to dedicate this shoutout to my family. The family that I come from and the family that I have built throughout my life. Family is not only defined as parents and children or extended family; it is also defined as “a group of people united by certain convictions.” So when I say family. I mean the people that are connected to me biologically, and those who have similar convictions that have become “family” throughout the years.

Website: GNGCOOKIEs.com

Instagram: @grinsandgigglescookieco

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/grinsandgigglescookie

Image Credits
Sal Andrade Jay Hill

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.