We had the good fortune of connecting with Mal B and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Mal, have you ever found yourself in a spot where you had to decide whether to give up or keep going? How did you make the choice?
People like to say “Never Give Up” and “Always Keep Going”. I do not agree with those statements. Yes, perseverance and commitment are important but there is a time when you should give up. It all comes down to whether or not you are chasing the right things. When what you are chasing is costing you your physical or mental health, it is time to give up. If what you are going after goes against the will of God, it is time to give up. If God has other plans, it is time to give it up. If you are chasing anything for the wrong reasons (money, fame, etc.), it is time to give up. This is not to say to give up the first sign of hardship or pressure. Chasing dreams is not always easy. You have to make sure that you know what you are chasing is what you are supposed to be going after. This comes through prayer and reading the word of God. You can’t know a creation’s purpose without talking to the creator. This is what will give you the strength to be able o push through and keep going when things get hard. Knowing your purpose will define your life path and ultimately tell you whether or not to give up or keep going.


Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
I am a rapper and songwriter and I also do graphic design. From a surface level, what sets me apart is that I don’t fit the stereotypical look of a rapper. However, I don’t dwell on this because I know the gifts that God gives are not confined to race or gender. I know that God has given me a word-smithing talent and that I am meant to use it to glorify God and lead others to Jesus. It has not been a smooth road to get to the point that I am at today but I know that the fire I went through ultimately refined me into the artist and person I am now. I faced so many challenges trying to navigate the music industry on my own strength. I didn’t know who I was and I let the world tell me. It led me to bad situations, deals, and relationships. I was doing things that I had never thought I would do just to get a little recognition in hopes that my music would blow up and I would be successful. I was so isolated and I struggled with multiple mental illnesses to the point that I almost took my own life at the end of 2021. I thought there was no way out but God saved me. God never left me and the moment I decided to give my life to Him was the moment I began to be able to conquer the challenges that I was facing. I learned that my own strength would never sustain me and that only God’s strength could carry me through. I learned that nothing that I was chasing would ever make me feel like I was enough if I didn’t feel like I was enough without it. I began making music with the purpose of glorify God and reaching others instead of glorifying myself and this is where things started to turn around. God placed people in my life to help me grow spiritually but also as an artist. I learned who I was and that gave me authority to make the right decisions in regards to music. I began to feel accepted for who I truly was and wasn’t changing who God made me to be just so I might gain some popularity. Even still, by the world’s standards, I am not a highly successful music artist. I do not have hundreds of thousands of followers and streams. However, that is not what defines success. Success is fulfilling your purpose and call, knowing who you are, and being in relationship with God. I know that I am meant to use my music to help others by sharing my testimony. I have had so many opportunities to do this and the stories I hear about my songs helping people inspire me to keep going. Since giving my life to God, I have had more music opportunities in 8 months than I had in the 4+ years prior chasing a music career. I want the world to know that my brand is all about sharing the freedom that is found in Christ. I was in so much bondage with five mental illnesses and now I live free from all of them. I want others to know that they can live in freedom to. God is no respecter of persons. If He did it for me, He can do it for you.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
We would definitely have to check out some hiking/walking spots like Sweetwater Creek, Stone Mountain, and Roswell Mill. I would take them to some of my favorite restaurants like Taqueria Tsunami, Fox Bros. BBQ, and Tuscany. And of course, I’d have to take them to church with me at World Harvest Church.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
God is the reason that I am where I am today. He never gave up on me and turned my life completely around. I have been blessed with a great environment and people who have been part of my story. There is no way I could list everyone here who has showed me support and love. I would like to dedicate this shoutout to my brothers and sisters of Creatives 4 Christ and the rest of my World Harvest Church family.

Instagram: @malbmusic

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/malbmusic

Youtube: https://youtube.com/@malbmusic

Other: TikTok: @malbmusic

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