We had the good fortune of connecting with Lionel Nichols and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Lionel, can you walk us through the thought-process of starting your business?
If we are being honest there’ wasn’t a thought process about starting my own business initially. It all started as a passion project something I really enjoyed doing and at the time the only thing I felt like I was really good at naturally. It wasn’t until people started asking me to make clothes for them that I even thought, hmmm maybe I could make money doing this so I had to reverse engineer what my business was about and what I wanted it to stand for since I was just creating ideas that came to me. I want people to know that there are no limitations and that fashion is about self expression..

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
My art evolves as I do because of my why, I grew up on hand me downs and hand me ups. One of the reasons I started making my own clothes was because I couldn’t afford the clothes that I did like and I was tired of wearing what everyone else had. What set me apart was that in my artistry I’m completely self taught, my dad showed me how to thread a sewing machine and then I took it from there. I wasn’t confined to any box of what was “the right or wrong way” I just made whatever I felt like making and it allowed me to be true to myself. I am extremely proud that my work allowed for me to be selected to work on a Nike campaign in Paris for haute couture fashion week with a team of amazing tailors and stylists. It helped me with the imposter syndrome. It was the stamp of approval that co-sign that said you are GOOD ENOUGH which was something I’ve struggled with because I’ve applied to work for other companies and I’ve been turned down for not having a fashion degree so it didn’t seem to matter how good I thought I was. If you didn’t have the credentials it seemed nothing else mattered.

I got to where I am through creating genuine relationships. Looking out for other people and when the shoe was on the other foot they held it down. Tenacity , resilience just knowing that this isn’t just about me and that I can’t quit is what helped to propel me to where I am. I truly believe you create opportunities by being ready and being present. My first tv moment was a shout out from Bow wow on 106 and park back in 2014 for my outfit. I was confident in my look and I knew there was a shout-out segment I just had to be there to receive it. Fast forward to 2022 I did the same thing on the Nick cannon show. I’ve made clothing for some of my favorite artists by knowing where they we’re going to be and pulling up there and presenting the piece to them. It’s not easy because sewing is such a complex art and it’s time consuming so spending hours and days creating running on no sleep to get the result that you want is tiring but super rewarding.

The challenges you face as a creative and an entrepreneur are crazy. Imagine having your studio flood and losing everything but you’re not eligible for flood insurance because you’re not in a flood zone. That inspired my 2019 showcase “Flood Warning” create through the pain. I rebuilt my home studio soon after and then moved into a studio space in 2020. I was there until 2022 and ended up losing that studio,my apartment and having to move back into with my parents, due to bad business with stylist and clients not paying on time or utilizing net 30/60/90 pay terms on contracts. But it just goes to show that it’s a rollercoaster and either you buckle in and enjoy the ride or you watch from the sidelines.

I’ve learned so many lessons, Don’t only seek God in the dark times , praise him always. SET BOUNDARIES. All money ain’t good money. The only way to fail is to quit. Remember your why and you won’t quit.

I want people to know my why, aside from wanting to break generational curses, I want to inspire others, I want to be the representation within my artistic expression. My goal is to be the person I needed when I was younger. We didn’t see as many straight black men in fashion so as a young man from Flatbush Brooklyn there were so many stigmas about getting into fashion, many Caribbean and African parents also didn’t see it as a career path so becoming successful as a creative / designer shows the possibility. My brand uses 10% of all profits to support philanthropic endeavors I’ve donated hundreds of packed schools bags given away a few thousands in scholarships, Thousands of masks during the pandemic and many random acts of kindness. If you budget for it you can accomplish it even as a small business. I caught myself saying when I get big I’ll start giving back but I figured out how to do it now.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
There’s this cool app that I use that has a bunch of restaurants and they offer discounted prices so you can try it out so I’ve made a bucket list of interesting looking restaurants through the city that I haven’t tried and check em out there’s also an IG page theblacklinkup that shows some of the dopest parties for the culture happening for the week.

I’m very spontaneous and I like trying new things so unless it’s a restaurant I really love we making new experiences and memories we trying new food, new clubs, new Dj’s, hitting up a gallery, definitely getting a lift in at the gym. We will take a tour through Flatbush see my stomping grounds then go to Bedstuy, bushwick and Williamsburg to show all the restaurants, art, and thrifts.

my brother also makes the best Margs in the city so gonna have to stop at the crib and shake one up. If my cousin Synead has a performance definitely would have to stop in there because her energy is different! I always give a care package to all my friends that visit with a bunch of products from my moms natural soaps and butters brand. That’s a nice little send off

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
I just want to shout out the Man upstairs, I wouldn’t be here without out the Grace and mercy of God. There were so many times where things happened that didn’t seem favorable and I had to pray for discernment to understand what was happening so I could really understand that everything no matter how it seemed is always working for my good. I also want to shout out my parents and my siblings , for really just being there and believing in me. I have so many other honorable mentions but I don’t wanna forget anyone so I will say this is for anyone who’s ever supported in anyone.

Website: Marioandlee.com

Instagram: Marioandlee

Other: Email hello@marioandlee.com

Image Credits
Swayze Mcgrady aka (Patrick Picard) Shot by smoove aka (Joab Okello) Lixx aka (Seth Nichols)

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.