Meet Lil Geek: Artist
We had the good fortune of connecting with Lil Geek and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Lil, we’d love to hear about how you approach risk and risk-taking
Risk is something I take very seriously in my professional career. ‘Risk it for the biscuit” has been my go to catch phrase anytime I’m about to do something even remotely risky. I feel like life is fleeting, and moments like this play a key role in getting where I want to be in life. Ultimately our whole life just comes down to small choices like left or right, walk or run, or most importantly work or play. These small choices throughout the weeks and months that follow them end up being the very same choices that get us where we want want to be. The scarier the choice is, or the more fear and anxiety that comes with making a choice will show you its importance. An intimidating choice is one that could reap greater rewards or, to the same tune, a greater setback if you choose incorrectly. To put it simply I think risk taking means everything. If you aren’t willing to make choices that seem scary to get to your goal, then you are not ready for what comes with the success you seek. Every day is a new opportunity to take steps toward your goal, whatever it may be. The more things you put off into the abyss known as “tomorrow” the farther you stray from the path to success. Tomorrow might not come.
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
If anyone takes something away from this article about me and my story let it be this, none of this is real. Life is here to be lived and experienced. Life is not here to be worked through for 40 hours a week, pay taxes, and live in a house then repeat it for almost every other week of life. We all have to work at some point that is how the world is designed. It is your choice though what to do after that. Like I said in my other question, the one about risk, the decisions we make daily will change our whole life experience in a matter of just 6 to 8 months. When you get off work do you then choose to work on your life goal or do you watch tv and social media for the rest of the evening. You can also choose to invest your extra money back into your career, or you can buy another pair of shoes. The choosing is left to us, we have free will to do what we want, and we can literally make our own reality. Think of where you want to be, really close your eyes and picture it in detail. What car are you driving, where are you living, feel how you would feel to live in your wildest dream, then open your eyes and start working to get there. Nothing in life is unattainable with enough drive, and remember this: the difference between making it and not making it, is giving up,
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Where I live, nothing, all there is to do is eat. I also don’t have a best friend, so that would be tough. For the sake of the question though I might take them with me to the studio one night for a few hours. Maybe we would go climb Stone Mountain or eat in Atlanta at a random spot. I feel like in Atlanta almost anywhere you choose is a good decision. Maybe we could get coffee and paint at Piedmont park. This really sounds like what me and my girlfriend do though, so it’s safe to say she is my best friend, and we do everything together.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
The humongous family I have deserves a lot of credit and recognition. My life was not the easiest one, however, I do not like to use the struggle as something exclusive to me. My struggle compared to another can just be grains of sand on a beach. My sister, Brianna, is my lifelong best friend. With her I was able to withstand more than I ever could have without her. My brothers, Logan, Jackson, and Bryson are very important to me too. Being a big brother is a life changing experience and I try every day to be there for them in any way they need. My girlfriend and parter in crime, Stick, is probably the only reason I am still going. My life has done a lot to try to stop me from moving forward but with her company I am kind of able to forget those problems are still chasing me. My mother, finally, is an inspiration for me to not give up. If I have been through hell at 20 then she has probably seen it longer than I can imagine. She was pregnant with me right out of high school and got us a house and food, all by herself. Not to mention the things I was not around for, or that I may not even know about. Family is very important to me and has shaped me into the person I am today and multiple ways. My family is big and crazy, there’s not enough time in a day to mention everyone and how they have helped me. Family is all we are given with life, and not all of us are even given that. I cherish all the time I spend with my loved ones. I can’t even hold a grudge with them because life is too short for bad blood with family.
Image Credits
@nicgnarly on instagram