We had the good fortune of connecting with Lei Zhang and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Lei, what do you attribute your success to?
I believe the most crucial factor about my brand is my perspective on the future of the fashion industry. I have always been steadfast in my belief that fashion needs to be sustainable, while individualized needs must be respected. Amidst numerous solutions, I have chosen virtual fashion as the category for my brand, aiming to provide customers with maximum personalized customization. This approach also addresses the array of issues stemming from the rapid updates and iterations of fashion products. Therefore, my vision for the future has shaped my determination to persist in recommending the establishment of this brand.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
My journey in the virtual fashion industry is still in the exploratory phase. It’s not an easy process, transitioning from a traditional designer to an emerging virtual fashion designer requires overcoming numerous technical challenges while consistently finding my own niche. In truth, this industry isn’t widely familiar to the public; it remains relatively niche. Many friends around me often ask about the differences between a virtual fashion designer, a game clothing designer, and a modeler. Initially, I was quite hesitant, especially as I felt I couldn’t compete with skilled modelers in terms of 3D modeling techniques.

So, I’ve been contemplating my strengths in this evolving field. Presently, throughout my creative process, I emphasize my strengths as a fashion designer. I incorporate more fashion elements into my virtual fashion designs, enhancing structural depth. Of course, this is a realm that requires constant learning.

The virtual fashion industry is rapidly evolving, and maintaining a learning mindset is crucial. I strive to meld my fashion design knowledge with virtual technology to create distinctive and captivating pieces. Each creative endeavor offers a fresh learning opportunity, and through continuous practice and exploration, I’m confident in uncovering my unique contribution in this field.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
My absolute favorite is the aquarium! I have an inexplicable fascination with these creatures—I can’t seem to take a step away from them. Their diverse shapes and patterns are simply mesmerizing. I’ve always been drawn to nature, and I often incorporate various natural elements into my designs. That’s why I’m definitely going to bring my friends here; I want to share this joy with them.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
In this process, I am incredibly grateful for my alma mater, the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD). I completed my graduate studies there, and it’s where I discovered a whole new career direction. As the largest art and design school in the United States, SCAD offers its students endless possibilities. The interdisciplinary learning environment allowed me to gain insights into various industries and venture into entirely new domains. I’m truly thankful for the professors and friends I encountered at SCAD; they are a remarkable, friendly, and positive group of individuals who have supported and shaped my journey in remarkable ways!

Website: www.leiz-3dfashion.com

Instagram: lei_zhanglei

Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/lei-zhang-47b014227

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