We had the good fortune of connecting with Laura Davis and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Laura, we’d love to hear more about how you thought about starting your own business?
In March 2020, I was laid off after 13 years in medical sales and diagnosed with breast cancer for the second time. It created an explosion of emotions on so many levels but also opened my eyes to see how I had been spending my time and energy. As I recovered from surgery and soaked in the quiet time at home with my husband and kids, I realized I wanted to make a bigger impact in this world and knew exactly where that impact could be. I am not only a 2 time breast cancer survivor, but I am an “infertility survivor” as well. I am the mother of 2 beautiful children that I thank God every day for but the path to conceive them was not so beautiful. My husband and I spent 3 and 1/2 years going to endless doctors appointments, spending tons of money on medications, fertility treatments, IVF, etc. The roller coaster of infertility is lonely and overwhelmed. It is a chapter of life that filled with extreme highs and lows and you tend to lose yourself in the process. As I look back, I realize it doesn’t have to be this way! I can help women who are desperately pursuing their dream of a child but need a friend, a friend who has been there before, to hold their hand and help them reclaim themselves while also going through treatment. I can make a difference by providing education and coaching to women so they can face infertility feeling empowered instead of hopeless. 1 in 8 couples face infertility and Ally Fertility Consultants was created to better equip those couples with both emotional and financial strategies to not just survive but also thrive.
Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
Ally Fertility Consultants was created to help women facing the medical struggle of infertility. Fertility specialists and the science behind infertility treatments life-changing and quickly evolving to help more and more families conceive but the stigma behind infertility is not changing as quickly. Women facing infertility feel broken, alone and overwhelmed. Ally’s patient care model strives to remove that stigma and aims to make it less intimidating for women to pursue their dream of a child. Our concierge services, unlike any other currently available in the Southeast, are personalized and fluid based on our client’s financial resources, family planning goals, and over-all well being.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
One of my favorite spots in Atlanta is the Atlanta Botanical Gardens. I love to stroll through the flowers and visit the ever-changing exhibits. I find it to be a very peaceful place to visit when you need to escape the rush of life. If we started here for our morning, I would then suggest we head to The Nook on Piedmont Park for a cold beer and some totchos. If we have timed the weekend perfectly, we could drive down to Scotts Antique Market and find a few treasures to take home (hoping our car is big enough to hold whatever we find). From here, we could drive back to my hood, Brookhaven to head to one of our favorite local spots, Valenza. It is a classy, Italian restaurant with lots of local love. My kids call it “the meatball store” and are know by name from the entire serving staff. Ending a busy day on their patio with delicious wine and pasta is my kind of day!
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
My business partner, Julie Blackmon has been my encouragement and motivation that has brought Ally into fruition. Julie and I chatted about the need for more financial and emotional support and guidance for those undergoing infertility treatment but Julie was the primary voice that said, “Let’s do this!”
Website: Allyfertilityconsultants.com
Instagram: allyfertility
Facebook: Ally Fertility Consultants
Other: General Email: Info@allyfertilityconsultants.com
Image Credits
Heidi Harris
Laura is an amazing woman who has overcome so many challenges. She is positive and uplifting and I would want no one else by my side if I were going through this.